4- New Nobles

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"We'll be relaxing in City Hall a lot, what about you Ferid?" "Not sure. I might just hang out with Krul." "Oh, so you're going to annoy her?" "Obviously." He said and (B/n) sighed. "Should we get blood?" "Yes. Two packets and pour them into vials." We nodded and walked to the blood room where I saw the other nobles here. "Ah, you two are here." Wesker said and we nodded while walking to the areas where it held our favorite blood. Wesker simply grabbed one packet of blood as I grabbed two. "Where are you going?" "City hall with Nobles Crowley, Horn, and Chess as well as my brother." He nodded and knew we didn't drink directly from humans.

"You'll need to drink directly from humans someday." "We know... but we aren't right now." "Alright. Hey, Crowley told me of five humans that you two refused to kill. Why?" "I didn't kill them because (Y/n) cares for them." "They're five humans I helped escape thinking that they'd be happy out there but now I just need to kill any human who tried to stop me from taking them." Wesker nodded and we spoke. "Where will you be Noble Lucal Wesker?" "At the park near city hall." "We might want to visit." We said and he nodded again before leaving with the man he always talks with. We got back to Lord Crowley's house and got multiple vials seeing as we drank the others we had. "I'll regret that later." (B/n) said and I shrugged as we finished pouring the blood and put the pouches at our waist and put our weapons on us.

"Let's get going." We nodded while walking on. We soon jumped to City Hall and Crowley brought out a sash he was holding and threw it across the room after taking a large stack of papers. "What are those for Lord Crowley?" "Most of these are other important vampires and also livestock, even the escaped." He said, smirking back to me as I looked away then looked out the window. "I regret everything and you three know that..." I muttered and they nodded as (b/n) put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry. We all regret something. They do too." "Yeah. But that's behind us." We nodded while Lord Crowley spoke again. "Oh yeah, these papers are also to test her skills against someone more experienced in fighting. Such as Queen Krul herself to see if our apprentice is ready to be a noble." He handed Chess and Horn the papers and told them where to sign. "Don't worry (B/n), you and her will still work together because Ferid is signing the same papers for you."

"Why are we doing this?" Chess asked as Crowley explained it, "Well, (Y/n) has been able to beat us. She's quite fast, almost as quick as me but struggles with her weapons which will be adjusted so you'll be able to kill any human you want." We nodded while hanging out here the entire day until it became dusk. We drank all of our blood vials and started to head home. When we did, we saw multiple other humans the heard Crowley complained he might have to make papers for them.

We held back laughter as (b/n) went to Ferid's house and we went to drink blood at theirs. "You'll get your own estate too." "That seems like a lot." "Yes, but it shows your power above normal vampires." I nodded to Chess and yawned as I was nearly finished with the blood. "I can-" "I can finish Noble Chess." She pouted as I finished and rolled my eyes. Afterwards, the doorbell rang and I said I'll get it. I went to the door and was immediately attacked. Of course, I defended myself using my sword and saw Queen Krul's daughter, Rina. "So you do have quick reflexes." She attacked me again and explained as we were fighting.

"So I just need to get you to a fatal position and I'm good?" "Yes." She said and I nodded while having my sword drain from me as we were fighting for a minute. She got her own sword and did the same as we were now doing a sword on sword fight. She growled when I cut her hand off but that didn't stop her from using her freaking claws to cut off my arm. Like my fights with (b/n), I ignored the pain and pushed back the memory of the escape to the back of my mind until I got her to the ground, a scythe around the back of her neck and the sword pointed to the front. "I'd say I win." "I do too. Congratulations." Rina said and I nodded and bowed seeing as I never got to. "I don't need you to bow." "Alright." I said and stood up as she had reattached her hand. "I'll be telling my mother tomorrow. I imagine you're tired. While your estate is being built, you'll stay with them and because they taught you, they'll have a spare key to your house. And if your brother has succeeded in beating Noble Wesker, he'll live with you. And Ferid will also have extra keys."

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