This is Fine

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When people ask you how you feel, they aren't actually asking you.

They come at you with a "What's up?" and a "How's it going?" But they never expect to hear:

"Oh, just terrible, I missed class this morning, and I don't know if I should move out from my roommate because they stay up too late, and I'm probably going to screw myself over if I don't do something about my sleep schedule soon."

Most people don't care to hear it. And those that would care probably still look at you funny, as if they weren't really ready to have a serious conversion about your mental state at this moment while standing in line at the dining hall to have a 3 pm breakfast.

I feel bad for international students who come to America, who, when asked how they're doing, give real answers. They must be so confused by our absence of genuine interest in their well-being.

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