Midoriya was set to visit his mother. He got there early however and his mother was still out shopping. So he turned on the news.
More about Miku's disappearance was going through the news. Midoriya was listening to it and didn't hear the door open and close. He didn't notice his mother over his shoulder until she turned off the news. "Poor woman, she's probably the last person who deserves to go through things like that." Midoriya looked over at his mother. "You know her?" Inko gave a small sad smile. "She saved your life! Of course I know her! We talked a little awhile ago, the girl is selfless"
Midoriya remembered that, it was the hero killer incident. Todoroki has just arrived. A knife was flying towards him when suddenly Miku dropped down from the top of the buildings. The knife stopped mid throw. It was floating for a second until it turned to dust. She then looked at the hero killer, with only a quick glance at the people on the ground she started to speak.
"Todoroki get Iida, and Native out of here, I'll keep the hero killer away." Unlike in the class room her voice was stern and demanding. She left no room to be questioned.
Midoriya didn't know how she even found them but he would be lying if he said he wasn't grateful. The hero killer charged at her throwing a few knives along the way. She dodged it with the grace of a bird. The hero killer was close now. It looked like he was going to cut her in half, but his sword rusted and crumbled before it could.
"Borrowed Time, you are quite the interesting hero I'll give you that." His voice sounded menacing. "If you leave now I'll let you live." Even as he said those words he luged again.
Miku picked up a rock and threw it at the killer. It hit him right in the chest, but instead of falling to the ground it stopped moving. The hero killer stopped in his tracks from the small rock. He was confused because the rock just floated there and wouldn't budge. Borrowed Time took this as an opportunity to push a some buttons on her support item located on her wrist.
The doors on the gauntlet opened reveling a small cross bow. It seemed to quickly unfold already ready to shoot. She used her right hand to pull back the string and shot it right at the hero killer.
It hit him it the leg. She clearly just wanted to slow him down. "I don't want to hurt you, Native and Iida are already gone, just come with me and I'll turn you in." The shock from her rock trick and arrow had worn off and the hero killer charged again, although this time is was significantly slower.
She shot his other leg as he changed at her hitting it perfectly. She then dodged his attack by rolling away. However she wasn't fast enough, and the hero killer nicked her with his sword. She fell to the ground immobilized.
The hero killer walk over to where she was laying. "Why did you leave this one?" He pointed at Midoriya who was still lying on the ground. "You had the kid save the other two, but not him?"
"You said you would leave him, you have values and killing him would go against it, I heard you say it yourself." She wasn't wrong he had said he would leave Midoriya, to see how he turned out. "Well I'm afraid your time has run out hero."
The hero killer raised his sword ready to kill her. "NOOOOO!" Midoriya kept struggling trying to move but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't. Just as the knife was about to kill her a gray scarf wrapped around it pulling it away. The hero Killer was confused for a second until the scarf wrapped around him as well making it impossible to move.
Suddenly Midoriya was able to move again and jumped up ready to fight. He saw Eraserhead jump from the top of the buildings while tying up the hero killer with his support weapon.
"Shota erase his quirk for a second, I want to be able to move again." Just like that Miku stood up as if she wasn't just almost killed.
"Miku!" It was eraserhead. "You have to tell me when you run away! I almost didn't save you!" His voice was a stern but it was only to cover the worry he clearly felt. "I know but if I didn't leave some of your class might be dead right now, sorry, not sorry. Plus I didn't realize it was the hero killer! How does Your students get into this much trouble! I figured it was a nomu that I could just freeze in time and be done with it! But no! Your students found the hero killer!!" Miku looked stressed as she began to rant. "The one guy authorities have been looking for! 1-A I'm telling you."
Midoriya was just standing there next to the hero killer as the two argued like an old married couple. Aizawa then turned to Midoriya a new fire in his eyes. "You have some explaining to do!"
In the end Miku took claim in defeating the hero killer and it was never known to anyone that they used their quirks on him. This however put Miku on the map as a pro hero. Before she was similar to eraserhead in the fact that not many knew about her, but now she was a big deal.
Although they didn't know it then, defeating the hero killer was what made her kidnappers notice her.

Borrowed Time
Fanfiction"Hello?" On the other side of the phone there was his wife, Miku, taking deep breaths as if she was trying to calm herself down. "Shota, something is wrong" Her voice was distant as if she had just come out of a trance. "What is it?" Aizawa couldn't...