Which school (past)

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As a child Miku's parents were family friend with the Yamada family, so from a young age Miku known Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic)

"You are trying out for UA  right Miku?!"It was getting close to the end of the year and Hizashi really wanted Miku to join UA with him. Since he was 2 years older he had already been admitted into the Hero course.

"Yea, I will but my quirk isn't that strong." Hizashi had talked her into trying, but Miku didn't think she would get in. Her quirk wasn't very strong and she often had trouble using it for a long period of time.

"You will do great! You could stop anyone in their tracks!" Miku gave a smile, she was going to do her best. "Ok!"

Even as she said it  she didn't believe her words.

Hizashi was super excited for Miku to try out for UA. The whole time he was practically bouncing around. Miku on the other hand had her doubts. Her gut was telling her she should have a back up plan so, she also decided to enroll into Ketsubutsu Academy High School just in case.

Eventually the day came for the entrance exam. She learned the rules and was quickly thrown into a bus to go to the testing cite. The whole time Miku was lightly panicking. It was a fake city, no trees, so plants, nothing she could use for power. It really wasn't ideal.

About 20 kids were in her testing area and they all looked so confident. Miku was struggling, Sure she had gained up a little power before hand, but it wasn't enough to do much. Slowly the doors opened to the arena and the announcer shouted go. It was chaos.

People were running around striking robots left and right, leaving Miku in the dust. She tried to get off the main road and found herself in front of 2 robots. Subconsciously Miku took a step back gulping.

The robot shot a laser at her, causing her to be knocked to the ground. Quickly she stood up and froze both of them. She quickly ran the the back of the robot looking for the off switch. (I'm not sure if this is cannon but apparently their was an off switch designed for people with more stealthy like quirks) She found it relatively fast and flipped it on the first robot. Suddenly blood started to come out of her nose and her quirk ran out. "No."

The second robot unfroze and instantly zoned in on her, shooting. Miku dived out of the way, but the laser grazed her ankle. "Owww" She was able to get behind a building to hide from the robot. This weren't looking well. Her ankle was burnt, she was out of power, and there were no plants around her.

It was at that moment she was positive, she lost.


A few weeks past and she got her UA letter, announcing she didn't make it. She knew it was coming but she still felt so useless. She didn't want to tell Hizashi. Instead she opted for the small wooden box found in the closet. She just sat there for awhile not leaving. She enjoyed the peace.

Her mother knocked on the closet door after Miku had been in there for a few hours. "Miku," she paused for a second. "I know you are disappointed about UA, but I got the letter from Ketsubutsu High School, I haven't looked at it yet."

The closet door was opened to reveal Miku standing there with a small sad smile on her face. Slowly she took the letter staring at it. She pulled the letter open to find a hologram disk.

Miku walked over the the nearest table her mother right behind. Setting it on the desk it activated.

She got in.

A few tears rolled down her face as a real smile appeared on her face. "I did it mom." Miku was quickly taken into a hug. "I knew you would"


The next day Miku got a call from Hizashi.


You are going to love UA Miku! Just you wait. I'll show you all the best places to sit and you can hang out with Aizawa and I. He's a bit of a downer but I think you'll like him.
Oh! And the food is amazing it's some of the best I've ever had. Also don't worry about the building it's not as big as it seems.
Look I know you prefer smaller places, but UA isn't that bad, and each class only has 20 kids, so it's not too crowded.
Hizashi! I didn't get in!

The line seemed to get silent. Not a word was spoken, it made Miku a little nervous.

I wasn't accepted into UA, but I am going to go to Ketsubutsu Academy High School. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I was still trying to figure it out.
Oh, well that's great Miku! Although I am a little sad I won't see you at UA.

Miku couldn't say how glad she was that he was taking it well, he had seemed so excited to have her in the same school.

Yea I'm really excited too!

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