"Miku, how do you tell if someone is a hero?" The small girl's voice was distant as if she was in thought."Well, heroes tend to have costumes, they usually wear bright colors, and occasionally a mas-." Miku stopped talking for a second taking her time to decide her words. She didn't want to tell the girl just what a hero looked like, because anyone count look like a her, but may actually be one. Some were fakes, and just want attention. She couldn't say That every hero out there would die to save just one more person, because that wouldn't be the truth.
"Though some heroes aren't the real deal." Miku herd Eri go silent, the silence was deafening. Miku knew Eri was listening, maybe she wanted hope that heroes would come save her. Maybe she wanted to get a better idea about Miku's profession, or what the outside world was like. "You need to look for the kindness in their eyes, because that's what makes a real hero." Miku heard Eri breath out a little oh before falling silent.
"How would I know what kindness looks like?" She sounded almost sad. It broke Miku's heart in two. Still she continued to talk "it's not what they look like, but how they act. They won't let you go. They will hold onto you as long as you need help. A real hero wouldn't dismiss you."
Miku could feel tears start to appear in her eyes. She thought of all the heroes she met. She imagined the faces of so many of her friends, the students at UA, her Husband. She didn't know how much time past but she missed them terribly. Slowly she wiped the tears away. She couldn't cry, Eri needed someone who she could trust to hold firm through all her hardships and Miku would be damned if she wasn't that person. Even if the pain and fear was eating at her insides.
"You sounds like a real hero." It was only a whisper but Miku heard it. A small sad smile appeared on Miku's lips. "I try, but everyone falls short,"
Eri didn't hear her, instead she finally started to fall asleep. New ideas flooding her head.
————the next day————
Running she had to keep running through alleyways. Once she got to a Main Street she would be safe. She could find a hero to save her. Keep her away from the man chasing after her. Eri could only hope she could go fast enough. She wasn't looking where she was going. Just running. She knew she was close, almost to safety. Just had to keep running. Then she hit something.She fell The the ground with a thump. "whoa I'm sorry." She ran into someone. They reached out their hand, but all Eri could imagine was Overhaul grabbing her. The pain. The blood. But this wasn't him, but he was coming! She had to get away!
"You should be more careful" she was too late. He was there. "We don't want to cause any trouble for the heroes." Eri watched as he approached, his words slowly registering in her head. Heroes. That's who she needed.
"I hope you will forgive my daughter hero. I don't know what to do with her always playing rough bumping into things." Eri was scared the heroes matched Miku's descriptions, and they both seemed nice, but the one seemed to brush her off.
Eri was only half listening but when the green haired hero tried to stand she held on. She could let him leave her. "Please, she said you'd help." Her voice was small and full of tears. Miku said heroes were supposed to help. They couldn't leave.
"I'm sorry but your daughter seems afraid" Midoriya was holding onto the girl. He had noticed that Eri had said she said. Questions wondered through his head. Who was she?
Overhaul was on guard, he couldn't let these heroes take the center of his plan. Miku was a very useful tool but he would still need Eri to get his plan in full swing.
"She has bandages all over, are you sure that was from playing rough?" Eri held on tighter. He wasn't dismissing her. Maybe she did find a real hero. She might be able to escape. Tell everyone about Miku, and save her too. Eri could get out of this!
"What are you doing to this girl?" Not a sound was heard form Eri. She was holding her breath to see what would happen. The green haired hero wasn't giving up. He held Eri tight not letting her go.
"It's embarrassing, I'd prefer to talk about this where no one could over hear." Overhaul gestured to the alleyway Eri had just come out of.
Picking up the small Child Izuku started to walk down with Mirio close behind. In Eri's head all she could think about was that they shouldn't follow him. Why would they go down a dark alleyway with him?
Overhaul continued to talk before slowly messing with his gloves. Eri noticed it. He would kill them, she knew it. "I'm sorry Miku," It was only a whisper but Izuku heard it. However before he could react Eri jumped out of his arms and followed Overhaul.
She wanted to get away to help Miku, but she didn't want anyone to get hurt.
"Wait Eri!" Midoriya was about to go after them, Mirio held him back however. Telling him to be quiet. "Didn't you notice he was willing to get violent. That's why she went with him."
"She knows Miku." Deku's words were airy as if he was still trying to figure out what he was saying.
"Well Miku is pretty popular these days! It would be possible that she is a huge fan!" Both of the young heroes knew that was unlikely, but the idea that Miku was with Kai Chisaki seemed surreal. Why would they take her?
They liked to stay on the down low, so why would the kidnapped a extremely popular hero? It didn't make sense. "We have to talk to Nighteye."
How is the chapter? I had been trying to write this chapter for awhile but couldn't make it work. Finally I just sat and started to write. Hopefully it turned out ok! Constructive criticism is welcome! Tell me how I can improve!
I'm curious! How does everyone like season 4 so far? When I'm writing this ep 4 just came out, so I used that to refresh my memory!
Also! Am I doing a descent job at Miku's character? I wanted her to be one of the kindest people out there. I like to think she is so kind, that it is actually a problem. All that fear and pain she is containing now for Eri's sake? It'll come back. You can't hold in your emotions forever. Eventually she will explode.

Borrowed Time
Fanfiction"Hello?" On the other side of the phone there was his wife, Miku, taking deep breaths as if she was trying to calm herself down. "Shota, something is wrong" Her voice was distant as if she had just come out of a trance. "What is it?" Aizawa couldn't...