Their were plants above ground, and she had to find them.
"Deku! Do you think you could get me to the surface?"
——Midoriya, who was still in slight shock from seeing Miku, seemed to finally come out of his trance.
"I-I don't think you should be fighting, your arms and legs-" Miku wasn't have any of it.
It was like a switch was filped and Miku went into mom mode. "Get me up there." Her eyes were hard, her voice stern, she left no room for questioning.
Deku picked up Miku and jumped through the hole in the ceiling. Unfortunately Overhaul wasn't going to let Miku escape so easily. He followed them through the hole into civilization.
When Deku landed on the ground Miku ran to the nearest tree watching as it withered. The grass around her turn brown and died. The flowers aged in seconds. In only a moment all the plants in the area withered away into nothing.
Unfortunately Miku didn't have much time before Overhaul shot up through the hole landing on the ground. He was clearly angry.
Miku couldn't get enough power. There weren't many plants and Midoriya was left fighting the monster of a man alone.
Miku had to improvise. Deku wasn't having any luck with Overhaul, He only seemed to be tiring himself out. The dull ache in her gut seemed to only solidify her suspicions; They were running out of time.
—The heroes underground weren't doing much better. A few of Overhaul's minions had found their way to the fight, and non of the heroes were in great shape. Still they fought on, blissfully unaware of the small child that had snuck away from Rock Lock and was slowly climbing her way to the surface.
"I have to save Miku" Eri continued to pull herself up each rock. Her small sticklike arms snaking from her own weight. Her thoughts were filled with concern people were getting hurt, the only two people who were ever nice to her could die. She really was a curse. She could never live a life like the kids Miku would talk about.
The children who would run and play, the ones who would jump for joy when they finally got their quirk. No she was cursed to cause pain, and she was spreading it onto Miku.
Finally her small head poked up from the hole. Looking around her eyes were filled with wonder for a second. The sky was so blue, the clouds so puffy, the buildings so large. Sadly, her amazement was quickly washed away by the sight in front of her.
Overhaul was slowly gaining the upper hand. Whenever either if the heroes would do any damage Overhaul would just counter act it. Miku had blood covering her face, and was practically sneezing blood every few seconds, while Deku's movements were sluggish as if all his mussels were sore.
Even so they continued to fight. Deku would shoot himself around, resembling a large fly and hit the bird like villain whenever he could. While he was doing this, Miku would fling large rocks at him, stopping them mid air, affectively shielding Midoriya whenever one of Overhaul's hands got too close.
Anyone could see they were trying to stall for time, probably to somehow come up with a plan. Eri hatted it. They were getting hurt and she was partly the reason. She couldn't just sit there.
Running up towards Overhaul she yelled. "Stop!" She was a good distance away from the group, but all eyes landed on her. "Take me instead!" She was crying "don't hurt them!"
Miku's eyes were wide, quickly she reached out to Eri as if it would push her away back to safety. "Eri no-!"
"Ah I see you finally came to your senses," interrupting Miku Overhaul quickly snatched Eri from the ground. "However, I cannot leave without Miku, for she has been quite useful to me." Eri's eyes went wide, she had hoped Overhaul would leave, but the fight continued, only this time she was in the way.
Overhaul sent a huge piece of the street flying at Miku, and it hit her on her left side. Eri could hear the scream of pain that shot out from Miku's mouth. The small child never wanted to hear it again.
While Overhaul was distracted Eri managed to wiggle out of the villain's grip. She fell to the ground with a light thump. It hurt, but Eri paid it no mind. Quickly she stood quietly running to where Miku had been hit.
Deku had seen what happened to Miku, but had no chance to check on her, having to place all his focus on Overhaul.
Miku was struggling to stand holding her left shoulder. Her face was contorted in pain, but she still stood getting ready to continue fighting. Eri ran up to Miku and latched onto her uninsured leg. "I'm so sorry Miku, I want to be saved." Eri was silently crying, tears pooled down her face with no way to stop them.
When Miku's gaze fell on Eri her face changed, as if putting on a mask.
"It's ok Eri, we will make it through this." Although Miku was in an excruciating amount of pain, she shoved it all down, conjuring up one of her practiced smiles. It seemed to calm Eri down as she slowly loosened her grip on Miku's leg.
Miku's eyes turned to focus on Deku once again, but what she saw wasn't good. Midoriya was slower than ever, breathing hard, and each attack from the villain was getting closer and closer to hitting its mark.
Suddenly Miku's bad feeling intensified, almost making her double over in pain, it was worse then the feeling of her multiple broken bones she probably had at the moment, worse then when she was kidnapped, it was worse then any feeling she ever had, and it was coming from Izuku.
Without much thought she left Eri standing where she was and ran towards the villain. Grabbing flat rocks on the way she froze them mid air, making a staircase. Then she saw why she her feeling was so strong, Overhaul was only a second away from touching Midoriya. Without thinking, Miku dove in front of the boy and pushed him away.
The last thing she saw was the wide surprised eyes of the green headed hero before she was eloped in pain, and everything went black.
——One or two chapters left! Good luck.
I know I posted earlier then usual, but schools out and I had extra time to write.
Make sure to leave your thoughts in the comment section!

Borrowed Time
Fanfiction"Hello?" On the other side of the phone there was his wife, Miku, taking deep breaths as if she was trying to calm herself down. "Shota, something is wrong" Her voice was distant as if she had just come out of a trance. "What is it?" Aizawa couldn't...