After the news got out bout Miku's disappearance the media swarmed the school in hopes to get answers. They were all upset about the disappearance of the hero and wanted information. Most hoped to get to chat with her husband to see what he planed to do.
After the Hero Killer event news about Miku was slowly uncovered. From her past and medical condition to all her good deeds, the community slowly began to become more invested in her life.
People wanted to meet her, support her, and get to know her. Slowly she wasn't considered an underground hero, and fan sites appeared on the web. When it first began to happen Miku saw this as an opportunity.
Fans were demanding a meet up with their new favorite hero and Miku thought of an opportunity to raise a little money for a charity.
She got straite to work. Contacting some other pros and spreading the word.In the end she got a total of 15 different hero's to agree to participate. It was agreed that all profits would go to some non kill animal rescues. She began to spread the word. Thousands of people ended up showing up. That week they donated $25,000 to a few different animal shelters.
Miku's popularity only grew from there. Building up until this point where UA had a mob of worried fans and Media at their doorstep.
The whole school was a buzz. Kids from all over the school were anxious wondering if they would find Miku. Some who had only heard of her were wondering why everyone was so upset, pros go missing all the time. Even with the few who didn't know the whole school seemed to be down in the dumps. All the staff were acting sluggish and didn't talk much, even Present Mic was oddly quite.
Aizawa was the worst of them all. He wouldn't look at anyone in the eyes and he seemed to get lost in his thoughts quite often. All of Class 1-A was worried, but they weren't the only ones. 1-B had a few that couldn't believe Miku was missing.
One of them being Monoma.
-Midterms-"Of course I will help with the Midterms!" She was at home working on DIYs to do next year with the preschoolers when Nezu had requested her in his office.
"Class 1-B haven't met you yet correct?" Miku hadn't she had help with a few different Hero classes, including 3rd year classes, 2-B, and 1-A. She had also helped out some of the other teachers in the other courses.
"No, I'm excited to see them!" Miku couldn't help but smile at the idea, she would get to meet the class and test two of of them at the same time. "So who will I be testing?"
"Ibara Shiozaki, she has a mutation quirk that causes vines to grow instead of hair, she is able to control it at will."
"And Neito Monoma, he has an emitter quirk that allows him to copy anyone's quirk he touches."
"I'm guessing I shouldn't just freeze them as soon as I see them?" Nezu laughed a little shaking his head.
——————"Hello Class 1-B," all the teachers were gathered around outside. Miku could see the class sharing confused looks. Quite a few were looking at her, after all they probably didn't know who she was. She felt bad for the two poor souls who would be going against her, because it wouldn't be easy.
Before long they were on a bus towards a forest arena. The two students where quietly staring at Miku. "Hi, you probably don't know me but I'm Miku Aizawa!" Miku could see the cogs turning in their mind. "Yes, I'm Aizawa's wife."The girl seemed to except the answer but the guy still had a look on his face. "Are you Borrowed Time?" Miku didn't realize people would recognize her. There had been a few news paper articles about her after the hero killer incident but still.
"I'm am, I can control time around objects, so you better watch out." she had a small playful smirk. "I really do wish you two the best of luck, because the forest is my playground." The two shared slightly concerned looks.
——"And go!"
The round had officially started. Miku could guard the exit, but what was the fun in that? For a second she stood still. Then she slowly started to take the time from the trees, grass, and shrubs around her. "I really hope Nezu doesn't mind me destroying part of his forest." After the trees crumbled apart to leave only a bare area where she stood. Miku started to move.
She was traveling by tree barley making any noise at all. She listened until she herd a stick brake under someone's foot. "I'm going to have to touch Miku to get a power, since yours is a mutation I cant use it." Monoma was a loud talker. "Ok, hopefully we won't have to fight at all." Shiozaki was a lot quicker but Miku could still hear her.
She was able to get to the tree that was right by them before they even noticed something was off. Miku landed on the tree above them making some leaves fall. Shiozaki stopped walking and looked up, however she couldn't see Miku through the leaves.
"Did you hear something?" She was still looking up at the tree as Monoma stopped walking to look at her. "No?" Shiozaki didn't take her eyes from the tree. "I'm going to check.
"Ok but take these with you," He was about to toss the handcuffs when an arrow came flying through the leaves and hit them. The arrow caught the handcuffs and hit the tree. To get the hand cuffs they would have to yank the arrow from the tree, however Miku wasn't going to give them time to do that.
She dropped from the tree and surprised the two kids. Monoma seemed to go for the hand cuffs while Shiozaki sent vines after her. The ones above ground were easy to dodge but Miku wasn't expecting some to appear from under the ground and wrap around her ankles.
She pointed her crossbow at the vines and shot them freeing her feet. More tried to pop out of the ground but she jumped out of the way. Miku was getting closer to the two when Monoma seemed to jump out of nowhere. Acting on instinct Miku jumped out of the way, but he was able to brush her hand.
As if a flip was switched the trees started to die and turn to dust. Within a few seconds the whole area was just a round dirt patch surrounding Monoma. Before Miku got the chance he froze her in time. "Quick!"
Shiozaki grabbed the handcuffs. She got close to the hero when suddenly Monoma's nose started to bleed. Shiozaki was about to handcuff Miku when the hero became unfroze and sent a kick her way.
She dropped the hand cuffs and Miku once again shot an arrow into them locking them in to the ground. Monoma looked around the area until he saw a seed right by Miku's foot. "Hold her down!" It was only a whisper but Shiozaki herd it. First she sent a few as distractions above ground, while the ones that were meant to catch her went underground.
The ones underground grabbed her feet, while Monoma made the seed grow into a full tree, which distracted her long enough for a vine to take the handcuffs and slap them on one of her wrist.
"End of the Mid term! Team Monoma, and Shiozaki wins!"
Shiozaki let her vine let go of Miku and Monoma took what time the tree had left.
"Wow, you too did great!" Miku rubbed the back of her head as she gave the two a kind smile.
"Why couldn't I freeze you for longer? I'd herd you could freeze people for up to ten minutes no problem." Monoma was wiping his nose from the blood. One of the side effects of Miku's quirk.
"It depends quite a few factors. How much energy you have, how strong your opponent's quirk is, and their will. If someone has a strong will it's hard to keep them frozen."
"Oh," Monoma seemed to be thinking it over. "That makes sense."
"You two did great! You team work was amazing!"

Borrowed Time
Fanfiction"Hello?" On the other side of the phone there was his wife, Miku, taking deep breaths as if she was trying to calm herself down. "Shota, something is wrong" Her voice was distant as if she had just come out of a trance. "What is it?" Aizawa couldn't...