Beep Beep Beep
The air smelled clean. That was the thing that made Miku jolt up. Panic filling her head, but quickly she realized she was in a hospital, and there siting next to her holding her right hand slept Shota.
Miku could have cried, she went to brush the hair out of his face with her other hand, but found she couldn't feel her fingers. Looking down at her left hand she saw half of her arm was gone.
Miku screamed, mainly from shock. Instead of her arm going down to a hand, it stoped at her elbow.
Aizawa jumped up eyes wide and full of shock from the screaming. His eyes flew to Miku who was freaking out while staring at her handless arm.
"Miku! It's ok, you're ok!" Grabbing her shoulders he forced her to look away from her missing appendage into his eyes. He saw her bright brown eyes alight with terror.
"My arm is gone." It was a dumb thing to say, but at the moment that's all she could think of. Her arm was missing! Gone! As if it never existed. She started to shake as she took in harsh breaths.
"Yea, but it's ok, you're safe." Aizawa had never been the best at calming people down, and Miku was always good at keeping a cool head no matter the situation. Slowly he took her into a hug as a last ditch effort to calm her down.
It helped, Miku's thoughts started to calm down. She was ok, her arm was gone, but that's ok, she never needed it anyway. She was with Shota, everything was ok.
"Shota, I'm so glad to see you." Gripping onto her husband she stuck her face in his neck trying to ground herself once and for all. She missed him, so so much.
"Everything is ok." That sat their in that hospital bed for a long time just taking comfort in being together again.
Aizawa was the calmest he'd been in a long time, finally feeling complete. He wasn't one to show his emotions much, but he loved Miku more than anyone. he had felt so lost and it showed, his hair was more of a mess than ever and the bags under his eyes were darker than usual.
After what felt like forever Miku broke away. "How's Eri? Midoriya? Mirio? What about the other heroes? Are they all aright? Did anyone die?!" Miku attempted to grab both of his shoulders with her hands, but when she realized that one was missing she lowered them, opting to just grab his hand in her's.
"Eri is alright, Midoriya if fine, Mirio is recovering, Most of the heroes are either unharmed or recovering" Aizawa didn't want to worry her about all the things that went wrong, she didn't need that stress. Miku however disagreed.
"Most!" Miku instantly realized he left out a major detail. Her mind instantly started to wonder to who died. Was it the hero she left Eri with? Ryuko? Someone she didn't see? Then it hit her.
"Nighteye" as she said it she knew it was him. She had seen the spikes sticking in his torso, she should have helped him more. She could have frozen him in time. Given the medics more time to help him, but she didn't.
"It's my fault" she had indirectly sent him to the yakuza base. If she didn't send that random guy who was in charge of Eri to the toy store Nighteye wouldn't have found them. He would still be alive. Miku had put her trust in a guy she barely even knew and it ended up killing him.
"Miku! Of course it's not your fault!" Quickly he took her in a hug again, Miku was sobbing, not only for Nighteye but everything. She never truly took in everything that had happened to her, opting to just push it all down inside her, but she couldn't anymore.
She let out the tears of fear that were squished down when she was kidnapped, the tears of sadness when she heard Eri's story, and the tears of pain that she felt when being experimented on. It all came out at once, leaving her throat raw, and eyes red.
"What happened?" Choking out the question after what felt like hours of crying was hard, and the words were barely audible, but Aizawa understood.When Miku jumped in front of Midoriya she had expected it to be the last thing she did, but here she was.
"I wasn't there, but Midoriya says when you jumped in front of him Overhaul attempted to pull back he wanted you alive, but wasn't able to fast enough.
——Midoriya was pushed out of the way and ended up skidding across the ground colliding into one of the buildings. He had droplets of blood on him that weren't his own, as he lied on the ground looking at what used to be Miku.
Overhaul was surprised, shock obvious on his face. He hadn't planned for this change in events but some losses were to be expected. It was too late to bring her back.
Eri had watched as Miku ran, jumping in front of Deku. She knew what came next, she had seen it before. Miku was destroyed by Overhaul, but it was different for Eri this time. It hurt her to see random people die at his hands, but those people had never been nice to her, never comforted her, never went trough the pain she did. Miku understood, Miku cared, and Eri couldn't loose her.
It was like something snapped in Eri, suddenly the whole area seemed to start rebuilding itself. Deku's wounds healed, the road fixed itself and Miku started to form back into a human. Eri stretched beyond her physical limits, stretched beyond what her quirk was supposed to be able to do and returned everything to how it was. Even the huge hole the heroes made was sealed.
This time bubble affected Overhaul the most, he seemed to rewind all the way back until he was an infant, a sweet innocent baby with the inability to harm anyone.
With that, Eri passed out.
There on the concrete lied Miku bloody and without and arm, but breathing non the less.
Eri was the true hero in the end.
The End
———Hi! Make sure to stick around for the epilogue and a few other parts of Miku's story.
I hope you like how it ended! I'm actually really proud of myself for sticking with it till the end. I hope you enjoyed!!!

Borrowed Time
Fiksi Penggemar"Hello?" On the other side of the phone there was his wife, Miku, taking deep breaths as if she was trying to calm herself down. "Shota, something is wrong" Her voice was distant as if she had just come out of a trance. "What is it?" Aizawa couldn't...