Miku had just graduated, finally a full fledged hero, she was ready to help so many people. She couldn't say how much she had improved. She was at the top of her class, as a skilled archer and self defense fighter. Her quirk was stronger, and lasted longer as well.
All in all she felt better about herself. Other then the fact she fell on her face at graduation. She was mortified about that.
Her parents were so proud. They had both congratulated her with huge smiles on their faces. She only hoped her father was proud too, where ever he was.
A few days past when Hizashi reached out to her. She hadn't seen him in a few years. Once school got started she was determined to succeed and basically put the rest of her life on hold. They had both agreed it had been too long and decided it was time to meet up.
They ended up settling on a small café that had great coffee. Hizashi also said he was dragging a friend along by saying he needed to get out more. Miku of course happily agreed, the more the merrier.
Miku had definitely changed over the last few years, not only was she now a young adult, but she had cut her hair.
Miku had found long hair was a pain that she didn't want to deal with, so about halfway through her 2 year she cut it all off. It gave some people quite the fright. One day she had thick red hair that reach her mid back, and the next half was shaved and the other half didn't even reach her shoulder. She was shocked how light it was, she would never grow it back.
Now imagine Mics fright when he sees the woman he assumes is Miku walk in. He was convince she would look the same only slightly taller, but that wasn't the case. Miku was scanning the crowd before landing on the man with long blonde hair. Her hand flew to her mouth in shock as she walked up to the pair of males sitting at a booth.
"Hizashi?" Mic let out a squeal that was equivalent to a dying pig. "MIKU!!" He dove towards her giving her a rib crushing hug.
"Ok, don't kill me." She could hardly breath by the time He let go. "Sorry, sit." He motioned to the seat next to the tired looking man.
"Hi I'm Miku," holding her hand out to him giving a large smile. Taking her hand he replied "Aizawa."
"Miku! You've changed soooooooo much! You shaved you head!" Mic couldn't get over the new hair cut. Miku no longer seemed like a small child.
"Yea, I did, but that's another story, have you seen yours? Your hair is longer than mine ever was!" as the conversion when on iku tried to include Aizawa whenever she got the chance.
Unlike Mic she kept her voice at a pleasant tone throughout the conversation, and she always had a smile on her face. Aizawa wouldn't lie he didn't mind Miku. Would he go outside again without complaining to see her? No. But it made it slightly more bearable knowing he wouldn't have to listen to Mic's loud voice directed at him the whole time.
"So what kind of hero are you going to be Miku?"
"I'll probably work at night. I'm better with stealth rather than head on fighting." Mic seemed to light up a little, if that was even possible.
"Really?! Aizawa works at night! Maybe you two could patrol together sometime!" Mic seemed to smile as he looked at the two. Aizawa was about to say something when Miku cut in.
"I wouldn't mind, but I'm sure Aizawa is busy as it is, I would hate to intrude." Aizawa opened his mouth again "Well-"
"Believe me he wouldn't mind! He is always saying how boring it is. I'm sure with some company he may actually enjoy patrolling." At this point Aizawa gave up on talking .
"Maybe we could plan something, anyway, I should get going, I haven't slept in 24 hours and I'm exhausted." For the first time Aizawa noticed the bags under her eyes. "It wonderful to see you again Hizashi and nice to meet you Aizawa, until next time." With a wave she left the building.
With Miku gone Mic turned towards Aizawa. "I saw you looking at Miku."
Aizawa's eyes got big. "What?!"
Mic only winked at him "I'll keep it a secret, but I better be the best man at your wedding"
Let's just say Mic was the loudest best man in history.
And that should wrap the book up permanently. I don't have anything written to continue, so unless someone really wants a part of Miku's past.So that's it bye👋🏻

Borrowed Time
Fanfiction"Hello?" On the other side of the phone there was his wife, Miku, taking deep breaths as if she was trying to calm herself down. "Shota, something is wrong" Her voice was distant as if she had just come out of a trance. "What is it?" Aizawa couldn't...