"I don't care what you do, just keep the kid happy." That was Overhaul's words before leaving the care of a child in Akifumi's care. (Does He actually have a name? Because I didn't know it, so I just made one up.) He knew nothing about kids. The little rats were just annoying.
He had no idea where to begin. How do you keep a kid happy? Buy it toys? What kind? Give it candy? What type? He really hated kids.
It wasn't like anyone around him worked well with kids. They were all criminals. Then it hit him. There was another person who used to work with kids on a daily basis. If he could get her to tell him what kids liked he could keep the rat happy, and hopefully not end up dead.
He approached the ex pro's door carefully. His knife at the ready. If she managed I leave he would be dead for sure. Slowly he unlocked the door. Swinging it open he was met with the girl.
Bandages wrapped her arms and legs. Her short red hair a mess after days of not brushing it. She was definitely skinnier. It was clear she wasn't eating much of her meals. Although she had always been a petite woman she had always had a strong build, however much over her mussel had seemed to disappear from weeks of doing nothing. The most startling factor of her appearance were her eyes though. They were dull nearly lifeless, the dark bags under them only seemed to prove the point. It looked like she had given up.
"Yes?" To Akifumi's surprise her voice was clear and smooth as if she had been talking to someone recently. Akifumiwas suddenly overcome with the question, how do you ask someone you had kidnapped to give you tips about a child? He really should have thought this through.
"How do you keep a kid happy?"His voice was gruff, no kindness to be found.
Miku was surprised to say the least. Usually when someone would ask for help they would try to be nice. However, this man in front of her sounded anything but. "Well, for starters you have to be nicer." Miku was tired. Eri had fallen asleep, something Miku wished she was capable of.
Miku had conflicting emotions at the moment. She had this feeling of hope that seemed to be topped with dread. She felt so conflicted, and the last thing she wanted to do was talk to this guy.
"Look I'm in charge of keeping Eri happy, so either answers my question or I will leave you here all alone." Miku didn't know why he thought she would rather him stay, but if it was for Eri she guessed she could be nice.
"Glitter squad" Miku really didn't want to help this guy. "huh?" Huffing slightly Miku continued. "Glitter squad is really popular among girls Eri's age. Although I don't know if she would like it due to the fact she has never seen the show."
Miku knew for a fact Eri would not use what ever this guy brought her, but Glitter squad toys were exclusive to only a few shops in Japan, most of which were close to the Nighteye hero agency. She didn't know him well, but Nighteye was known for being observant. If anyone was to notice this guy it would be him. Miku knew it was extremely unlikely Nighteye, a person she had never met, would notice look into this guy buying little girl toys, but she just felt the need to send him that way.
Even though Miku's quirk was practically nonexistent at the moment, she still always followed her gut. No matter how small the feeling was she had to follow it. She had to get this man spotted by Nighteye.
Miku's gut had never been wrong. Akifumi ended up going to one of the stores close to Nighteye agency. By chance Nighteye saw him. Using his quirk foresight he was able to find Eri. Thanks to Miku The pros were on their way to save the young girl. Everything was ready, soon they would find Miku.
"The climax is coming"
"Nothing Eri, don't worry about it"
Sorter chapter today. Sorry. Plus I know it's late... thanksgiving took a lot of my time. Plus rabbit shows. I just found that I ran out of time.Anyway, if you all can guess the book will be starting to wrap up. A few more chapters and it's over. I know it's kinda short, but I'm happy with how I plan it to end. I don't want to drag it along for an unnecessary amount of time.
Tell me your opinion!
Ps I didn't edit it so there will be mistakes. Opps🤷🏼♀️

Borrowed Time
Fanfiction"Hello?" On the other side of the phone there was his wife, Miku, taking deep breaths as if she was trying to calm herself down. "Shota, something is wrong" Her voice was distant as if she had just come out of a trance. "What is it?" Aizawa couldn't...