Hey! So I know this is random but I'm bored so I decided to post again! I was originally going to put this after the main story ended, but I'm impatient. So here is a small bit of Miku's past.
Ps. There is a death.
Miku was six, she woke up to her mother cooking breakfast and her father (this was before he died) getting ready for work. She slowly made her was to the kitchen, but when she saw her father she had a strong desire to latch onto him.
Miku walked over to him, who was currently eating an egg, and grabbed his leg. Usually Miku would happily plop herself down on the chair next to him and babble on about anything that came to mind, most of that being unicorns, but not today.
Miku's father paused for a second looking down at the new attachment to his leg. "Miku? What are you doing?"
Miku didn't respond instead choosing to hold on tighter to his leg. The fact she didn't respond got her mother's attention as well. So now her mom was crouching down so she could look at the small child in the eyes.
"Miku, sweetheart, are you feeling ok?" Diana (her mom) was slightly concerned, after feeling her forehead which was on the slightly warmer side.
Miku shook her head. She really wasn't feeling well. Thomas (her dad) looked at his child slowly detaching her from his leg and setting her on his lap.
"Well pumpkin, if you don't feel well why don't you just go back to bed and sleep, it is the weekend after all." Miku wanted to go back to bed, but she also didn't want to let her dad go.
"Can you stay home today?" Miku had a chipmunk voice that people always thought was adorable, but now it nearly broke her father's heart.
"I'm sorry pumpkin, but some new heroes are coming in to test their new support items and I can't miss it." Slowly he handed Miku to Diana, getting up to go get his coat.
"Be careful," Miku had a strange feeling that she wouldn't see him again. Even though she wasn't aware of it her eyes started to leak.
"Of course sweetheart, I'll She you tonight at supper."
That was a lie he didn't show up for supper, in fact he never showed up. On his way to work he got crushed by a falling building after a villain attacked. By the time the heroes found him it was too late.
That night at dinner was extra quiet. Diana couldn't find the right way to tell her daughter her father wasn't coming back. Miku was stuck trying to figure out why the bad feeling she felt before left her feeling empty.
"Sweetheart you know how I said your father wouldn't be joining us," Diana was close to tear but managed to hold them back, she had already cried in the safety of her own room, and she refused to cry in front of her daughter. So for now she pushed her grief down for her to deal with later.
"Yea. You know I think I already knew that this morning, that must have been why I felt so bad. I must have known work would hold him up and he would be late." Miku gave her mom a small smile and continued to eat her spaghetti.
"Maybe that is my quirk! I can tell when things don't go as planned!" Miku was getting slightly excited over the thought.
Most of the kids in her class had already gotten their quirk and had been showing it off, but if Miku could predict thing, that would so much fun!
"Miku, that's great!" A small smile formed on Diana'a lips, however it didn't last long. "bug Miku, when I said he wouldn't be joining us for dinner, I meant he wouldn't be joining us again."
The smile on Miku's face crumbled and was replaced with a look of confusion and worry. "What do you mean?" She sounded like she was about to cry.
"Your father was in an accident and they couldn't save him." Diana was shaking slightly, the look of distraught on his small child's face was one she never wanted to see again.
"H-he's gone?" Tears started to fill Miku's eyes as she looked at her mother for conformation.
Slowly Diana nodded her head getting tears in her eyes. Miku rushed out of her seat grabbing hold of her mother who had stood up as well. "It's ok Miku, we will get through this."
Miku cried softly grabbing hold of her mother, who was crying as well. Miku quickly realized that her gut wasn't trying to warn her about her father being late, but the fact he was actually leaving her permanently.
For that day on she vowed to always follow her gut.
It was about a week after the death. The funeral was simple but nice. Tons of people showed up. People cried together and laughed together. When they finally buried the casket, Miku's mom finally broke down, tears ran down her face, as she grabbed Miku and held her close.Miku was crying too, as she watched them bury him she silently said goodbye to all the piggyback rides around the house. the late night movies where she would snuggle into his lap.The promise he had made to teach her archery when she got older. She buried all those thoughts with him saying goodbye.
Part two coming!This one was wayyyyyyyyy to long for just one part!

Borrowed Time
Fanfiction"Hello?" On the other side of the phone there was his wife, Miku, taking deep breaths as if she was trying to calm herself down. "Shota, something is wrong" Her voice was distant as if she had just come out of a trance. "What is it?" Aizawa couldn't...