The strangest feeling had come over Miku. She felt the urge to pace and couldn't sleep. Something was up. The outside her 'room' there had been quite a lot of shuffling as if people were in a panic to get somewhere. On top of that, no one had checked in on her for at least a few hours, which was odd. Usually someone pops in to make sure she was not doing anything troubling every hour or so.
Her suspicions were concerned when Overhaul opened the door. Throwing handcuffs at her telling her to put them on. Now she was walking silently through a long hallway in handcuffs, next to a man who was holding onto a small girl with white hair who Miku could assume was Eri.
Eri was just silently staring at Miku with a wonder. As soon as she saw the red headed adult she knew it was Miku.
Although her eyes were sad they had a kindness to them, and in Eri's eyes she saw her strength. Miku had her head head up, back straight and walked with no fear. The one thing Eri found odd was whenever they passed a small plant Miku's eyes would lock on it until they had completely passed it, then she would look down at her handcuffs, before finally settling on Overhaul.
They had been walking for a long time when they finally passed the 11th plant in the hallway. Right before Eri's eyes the plant withered and turned to dust. Suddenly in one motion Miku ripped apart the cuffs making them split in the center. Then she kicked the man holding Eri, making him fall to the ground, all the while pulling Eri away from him. Overhaul turned around only for him to freeze in place.
Miku grabbed Eri and ran. Turning the first counter she could. Her nose a gush of blood slowly dripping down her face. "Do you know how to leave?" It was the same sweet voice Eri was used to hearing, only with a tad bit of urgency. Quickly nodding her head she jumped out of Miku's arms and started to run down the hallway.
"he's coming" It was only a mumble but it only made Eri run faster. They came into a open room. "Eri stop," Miku glanced at the way they came in slowly a shadow was walking closer. With the click clack of his heals.
"Ok Eri, I want you to run around that counter and wait, I will call you out, if I don't and you hear footsteps coming your way run. Don't look back."Miku bent down and looked Eri right in the eyes, determination was overflowing from her eyes. The bleeding from her nose had stopped but the blood was still on her face. Wordlessly Eri followed directions and ran out the door closest to them and around the corner.
On the other side of the room Overhaul stood there a small gun in hand. "Now, Miku lets not make this difficult." The scene almost looked like an old fashion showdown, where only one would walk out of the ring. "I won't let you hurt Eri." Slowly she got into a fight stance. She was rusty but she would fight, she had to.
"You know you can't leave, so be a good little hero and behave." He slowly loaded his weapon with only what Miku could assume were quirk erasing bullets. If she was it with that, game over.
There was nothing but a few tables and chairs in the room. Nothing to use, until her eyes landed on a large plant in the corner. She locked eyes on it and imagined the time it had left slowly drip away, filling her quirk.
The power wasn't much, she couldn't ever freeze Overhaul again, but it made her feel stronger. Her senses seemed to sharpen and she felt more awake then she had the whole time she had been trapped.
Unfortunately Overhaul her little plant killing spree and seemed a little ticked off. "I don't want to do this Miku but it seems you gave me no choice. I wanted to know if you were immune to the bullets or not anyway, so no loss." He aimed the gun and fired. She didn't have time to dodge. Miku watched as if if slow motion as the bullet came flying towards her.
Instincts kicked in. She froze the bullet mid air only about a foot away from hitting her. Quickly, giving Overhaul no time to load another bullet she turned the bullet 180 degrees so the point faced Overhaul before letting it go.
Something you have to know
when Miku freezes something it stops in time. Nothing can affect it except Miku and other users with time based quirks. Miku can grab an item frozen in time and move it somewhere else.Since gravity has no affect on it she can just stick it back in the air and it would just float, but when she unfreezes the item it losses all its momentum. But if she just freezes an idem and doesn't move it, it will still continue the path it was taking before freezing.
If she was just turned the idem it would continue on the path that the front of the idem was taking, even if that means it goes the opposite direction. Ex. If Miku shot one of her arrows, froze it and pointed the tip in the opposite direction it would fly the way the tip was pointing.
On with the storyAfter Miku unfroze the bullet it flew right at Overhaul hitting him just in the shoulder. "Wha?" His face was a mixture of surprise in shock.
Miku ran towards Overhaul ready to punch him straight in the face. Without missing a beat Overhaul pulled off his glove and skimmed Miku's arm.
Nothing happened. Miku punched the bird man in the jaw before dropping to the ground and kicking his legs out from under him. His head hit the cement floor. He went out like a light. Miku had beaten the big boss.
Slowly she walked away from the villain. Trying to catch her breath. She was definitely out of practice. "Eri, it's ok to come out now." She started to make her way to the door Eri had ran out of expecting her to poke out from around the corner. She didn't.
Panic filled Miku as she sprinted up the hallway and around the corner. There she came face to face with a man in all black bending down trying to calm down Eri.
How was it? It took me forever to figure out how I wanted this chapter to go, but I'm pretty happy with it.I was thinking about it at 2am last night and it just came to me. I'm thinking two more chapters and then it would be the end, but if you want you could always ask for a part of her backstory. There is so much I just didn't get to put in.
How Aizawa and Miku Met.
What made Miku want to be a hero.
How she reacted to her father dying and meeting her step father.
Just some fun childhood stories, like babysitting.You know? There is so much I had planned out and just didn't get to put in, so if you see anything you want feel free to ask. I would most likely write it.
Ps not edited. I'm too tired

Borrowed Time
Fanfiction"Hello?" On the other side of the phone there was his wife, Miku, taking deep breaths as if she was trying to calm herself down. "Shota, something is wrong" Her voice was distant as if she had just come out of a trance. "What is it?" Aizawa couldn't...