Out of all the students the third year hero class seemed to be taking it the worse. They had known her for three years and she had helped them train on multiple occasions. She encouraged the shy ones and pushed the ones who were having trouble to be better. She treated everyone as if they were her child and always tried to help.
Miku had helped train Mirio, brought Tamaki out of his shell if only for a minute, and was able to keep Nejire's attention for more than a few seconds. She had pushed the big three to be the best they could be. Even if that meant she had to punch each of them in the face.
Tamaki was taking it the worse. Miku had talked to him like a friend on multiple occasions giving him small pushes out of his comfort zone. She even taught him how to put up a confident face when fighting villains.
To the normal eye Tamaki was acting how he always did, but those close to him saw the signs. He would occasionally stare off into space where he wouldn't answer anyone. He also stopped going to the wall all together. Miku hated it when he went to the wall.
He remembered the first time he met her. It was first year a few days before the sports festival when she walked in. "Hello Class! I'm Miku Aizawa, and I'll be taking over hero training for the day!" Her smile was bright, blinding even, as she looked at all the students in the room. "Why don't you all change into your hero costumes and meet me outside!"
Soon everyone was in their outfits. "I find that in training doing is better than saying so I'm going to let you choose partners and spar, quirks are allowed." Everyone started to par up. "I will be walking around so please don't hit me." She gave a small smile as a few people in the class chuckled.
they spread out throughout the whole yard leaving plenty of room between groups. Miku walked around adjusting stances and giving small tips to the group. Eventually she stopped in front of Mirio and Tamaki's group. She stood there and watched as Tamaki seemed to get nervous most likely from her. He clearly struggled with social interaction.
"You know looking confident is half the battle." Tamaki seemed to get red from embarrassment when she addressed him. "You are Tamaki right?" The boy just nodded his head as he eyed the wall of the building not too far away. "Well Tamaki I want to see what you got."
Miku got herself in a position in which she could fight and looked at him expectantly. Instead of getting ready the kid walked over the the building and stuck his face to the wall. Miku had a hard time resisting the urge to laugh.
"He struggles with anxiety." Mirio looked over at his friend with a small laugh. "I see," Miku took a minute to think. She then walked over to Tamaki who still had his head to the wall. She could hear him mumbling about how he couldn't do it. She walk beside him and leaned against he wall. She stood there a second before talking.
"You know, I used to be too shy to talk to adults. It was so bad I couldn't answer a teacher's question when ask because I would stutter so much." She made sure to keep her voice quite and kind. She didn't look at the boy, instead focusing on the class training. Even so she could see the boy look at her by the corner of her eye. "H-how did you get over it?" His voice was so quiet and shaky Miku almost didn't hear him.
"I pushed myself, small tasks like asking how their day was. That was the first step. Slowly I became more comfortable talking to people older than me," He stayed quiet, his head still up against the wall. "Although, I still don't like talking to adults I don't know. Even though I am one myself. Just this year I met the staff here at UA. When they all tried to talk with me all I wanted to do was run out of the room and hide in a box." Miku could tell he was listening even with the lack of replies. "I guess you like to lean up against a wall like I like to hide in boxes when I'm uncomfortable." She could still feel his eyes on her so she continued to ramble.
"On my graduation day I tripped while I was crossing the stage. I laughed about it, but on the inside I was dying. I went missing during the graduation party, I had fallen asleep in an amazon box hidden in the closet. Being in a closed space is grounding almost. A reminder that everything is alright. My husband doesn't understand but I have a feeling you do?" Miku finally looked at Tamaki to find he was staring at her. When her eyes met his he turned his face towards the wall embarrassed. "I'm not going to tell you to get back to training. Go take a walked around, smell a few flowers, I saw some butterflies in the front of the school today they were beautiful. Maybe go see if they are still there. Then return. I'll be practicing with Mirio until you are ready." She stood up and took a step away. "Oh, and try not to lean up against the wall, it's better to fight the temptation. Or you will find you can't get rid of the habit,"
She walked over to Mirio giving him tips about hand to hand combat and how he could possibly improve his quirk.
Tamaki found that the butterflies in front of the school truly were breathtaking.
(AN Tamaki is one of my favorite characters right up there with Shinso and Todoroki WHO ARE YOUR FAVORITES?)
Btw I'm not quite satisfied with this chapter, but I'm not sure how to fix it.

Borrowed Time
Fanfiction"Hello?" On the other side of the phone there was his wife, Miku, taking deep breaths as if she was trying to calm herself down. "Shota, something is wrong" Her voice was distant as if she had just come out of a trance. "What is it?" Aizawa couldn't...