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This is it. The Operation is launched today. I feel my stomach lurch, Cody is letting me take charge of this one. It's been three or so days since I got back to the surface. I'm put in a squad with everyone that I know, plus the new replacement. His name is Citrus. He is a very by the book trooper. I'm supposed to meet up with my squad within the hour, this basically means as soon as possible. I walk down the dirt paths for what seems like ages, and I get to everyone and see them preparing to head out. I walk to the armory and get my favorite weapon for these kinds of operations, or at least I think that these will be my favorite types of weapons. I get two DC-17s and a heavily modified DC-15LE. I have a modified cooling system to counteract the effects of the ion bolts that my weapon fires. I get it, and put it in. I look at the white of my helmet, and then to the orange ace of spades. This better give me my long overdue luck, because I'll need it. I put my helmet on and prepare for my long march and LAAT ride. I look at the map now modified with OBJ names. I'll be part of the trooper body Alpha, then we split up, and I'll then be part of trooper body Bravo. I'll then go with a good number of troopers and form trooper body Charlie, and another good number of troopers will form trooper body Delta. Charlie will move up and secure OBJ Alpha and Bravo, and trooper body Delta will move down to secure OBJ Charlie. OBJ Charlie is the supply hub. Alpha and Bravo are the two main roads. I look at the number of troopers that are amassed on the base court yard. After what seems like an hour I find Spirit Squad. I see them look at me.
Chuck: Today is the day Ace
I look at him.
Me: I'm not Ace anymore Chuck. Ace was scared, weak, and inefficient. Call me Spirit.
Angel: Are you ok?
Me: I don't know Angel, I don't feel right. I feel-
Citrus: You feel like this might be your last run?
Me: Something like that...
Blast: I just wanna kill some droids
Angel: Don't we all
Chuck: I'm going to kill them for what they did to D
I look on, thinking, and contemplating what's after this. We are all making it back. One way or another. For D, for Devil, for Bolt, and for Crackshot.
Me: let's make a promise.
Chuck: And what would that be?
Me: We all make it back
Angel: Affirmative on that
Citrus: Guys, not all of us will make it back
Chuck: Rookie, just make the damn promise
Citrus: I-
He is cut off by the booming voice of Cody, somewhere.
Cody: Forward!
We hear the sound of two hundred boots. We all follow close behind. I listen to the sound of our marching feet, the sound of death. This is only stage Alpha. The Alpha Trooper Body. I feel the same feeling in my stomach. I look back to the past. All of this trouble, all of the torture, the struggle, the death, the heartbreak, it all leads up to this. This operation. I look back, and I look back at the helmets of my squad. I see their faces, even with the helmet. I see the faces of troopers I might not see again. I feel a tear in my eye, and then the tickle of it going down my cheek. It's funny. With how hot this place is you'd think that water would be impossible. I feel the soft ground below my feet, even though I have boots. I see the snakes slither around us, I hear the quiet chatter of the radio. I see the LAATs in the distance. I turn on my radio and change, the channel, and speak.
Me: LAAT Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta lower altitude to cruising level, and standby for target.
I hear the radio crackle to life as a pilot speaks.
Alpha: This is LAAT Alpha, what is our target?
Me: You four will be extracting Clone Trooper Force Bravo. The target will be marked by a green flare.
Alpha: Understood
I switch back to the channel used by our ground forces. And continue. I speak into the radio.
Me: Clone Force Bravo be advised line front is 100 meters out from EVAC point. Clone Force Alpha keep marching.
We keep going and I see the point. We eventually make it and I set my bag down. I take a green flare and ignite the flare.
Me: Clone Force Bravo clear the area, LAATs inbound!
I see everyone form an opening, it's only enough for one LAAT to land at a time. I see the LAATs closing in and I see one hover over the opening. I see thirty clones board, and this goes on. Finally LAAT Delta is here and there are only twenty troopers left. I see the dust rise as we board.
Me: Come on troopers, move with a purpose!
I see the last trooper board and I load up. I see the ground get farther away as we gain altitude.

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