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Within a few minutes of talking I was ok. Not good, but I was ok. I look at her as she talks about how her first patrol was uneventful.
Me: Yeah, some people just aren't as lucky
Angel: Yeah... when are we going to ambush that convoy again?
Me: I forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder
Blast: Forgot about what?
I look to the two other clones that just entered the room.
Me: We are about to ambush a convoy
Blast gets excited and looks at me.
Blast: Really?
Me: Yep
Blast: Let's go then
He gets his blaster and hastilales his way out. I chuckle slightly and get my E-5. I look to Angel.
Me: Well let's go
Angel: Yep
She grabs her E-5 and we make our way out. Chuck is following close behind, and D is waiting with Blast. They look at me and we make our way back to the road. The walk is long, torturous, and painful. The heat that we are so used to is almost unbearable today and I'm forced to take off my helmet. I walk with helmet it one hand and my blaster in the other. The bugs bite into our skin and it stings.
Chuck: Why are we out here at the hottest part of the day of all times?
A memory is forced into my mind as I walk. I stop.

"Scraps: Why are we out here at night of all times?"

I feel a hot tear go down my cheek. I resume my walk after putting my helmet on to hide my silent sob. We reach the road and I look at the area. A level area, and then a ditch like spot. I look behind me. I look at the group that I had somehow gotten in front of.
Me: Chuck Angel, you two wait in the forest. D and Blast, you two wait in the ditch
The go to their respected spots and I move up the road. I get a little bit past the bend, and hide in the forest. I'm providing recon. I look up the road and wait. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... the seconds pass by as slow as possible. The waiting is the worst part of recon. Seconds turn to minutes, minutes turn to hours. Then I see them. Up the road is a convoy with two droid squads of six. I run back to the group.
Me: Convoys almost here.
D: What's the plan?
Me: Shoot
Before anyone can question we hear the convoy. I see the droids in the front march by us. I take my aim at the acting NCO and fire. It strikes him down and then all hell breaks loose. I hear the firing of weapons from the guys and I see three droids fall. The remaining two run for the forest. Which was a mistake because we are here. I fire at one of the droids and it misses. It sees me and fires striking my shoulder. I fall to the ground and quickly fire three times. Two hit it and it falls. The stray hits the other. They both fall, and I get up. Luckily it only grazed the top of my shoulder. It still burns but I'll get over it. I run into the road and fire at the group of droids running at us. I see two bolts fly beside me and hit three droids. Angel got a collateral. The bolt hit the droid in the skinniest part. The neck. It only hit half the neck, but it went through after melting the neck and it hit the droid behind that one in the head. My gut told me to crouch so I did. Quickly. And I'm glad I did too. A bolt goes buzzing over my head and I dodge it. If I didn't crouch that bolt would hit me right in the head. I look at the droid that did it and I fire. I strikes the droids legs and it falls. I learn from past mistakes and shoot it once more just to be safe. A droid pops up from the hatch of a vehicle and fires. It just barely misses and I dive to the ground. I hear another shot and I look at the driver to see it fall. It was Chuck. I see Blast run and jump on top of the vehicle and spray the control panels with blaster bolts. I droid aims at him and fires. It misses and he quickly shoots back. He doesn't miss. The last droid falls to the ground and I get up to evaluate what we got.

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