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I wake up to my squad sitting around the tower, doing nothing but socializing. It's been two weeks, and we have our barracks, but we decided that we'd stay in the tower. I slowly get up and slip into my under-suit and armor. I feel watching eyes as I do so. I turn around to see Angel. I speak to her.
Me: Like what you see?
Angel: Oh be quiet
I let out a slight chuckle.
Me: What's up with the watching?
Angel: Just wondering where all the scars come from and how heavy the armor is
Me: The scars come from experience, and the armor is actually a lot lighter then you'd expect
Angel: Really?
Me: Yep, wanna hold it?
Angel: Not really
Chuck: Morning
I turn around to see Chuck sitting down at the table with Dean playing blackjack. I see Dean look up at me and smile.
Me: Morning
I turn away and go to the stairs, and make my way down. I still hear the bombs in the distance, I hear the humming of the republic bombers. I walk down the path and I remember the trench raid. It's in three days. That's all. I look to the sky and see those beautiful, bright, yellow, death machines fly away. I wonder how Crash is doing. I run into my good friend Charms.
Charms: Morning Spirit
Me: Morning Charms, hows Sunshine doing?
Charms: He's very supportive of you and Spirit Squad
Me: I expected as much
Charms: You two have a history?
Me: He was in Clone Force Bravo in Operation Spearhead, and I saved his life a few times, he raised my morale a bit. His squad died and he followed me until he got a bolt to the chest
Charms: Huh, I did know that. I was in Alpha, who was your CO?
Me: I actually led Bravo, I don't know why. Maybe they felt that I'd do good because I came up with the strategy and operation. I don't feel that I did, we lost over half of our men, and my best friend got shot in the shoulder.
Charms: Damn, that's pretty interesting. I'll see you later, alright?
Me: Yeah
With that he's gone. I hear the whistling of artillery and I think about how we didn't call for fire support. That's when it hit me.
Me: Get down!
I drop to the ground and the ground above me sores. I get back up and start walking towards Charms. Artillery lands right in front of me and then to the left. Right beside the trench, and it knocks me to the ground. I quickly get up and men rush past me. I hear it again and try to dive. I five just a second to late, and a piece of shrapnel gets my back. I feel the horrible pain, I feel it all. It feels like... I don't even know how to describe it! It fucking hurts!
Me: Shit, ah fuck!
Charms rushes back to me and calls out.
Charms: Medic! Medic! We've got wounded!
I hear more artillery the ground above explodes into a ball of shrapnel and dirt. It gets into the trench and gets all over my armor and face. I feel the intense heat of shrapnel on my hand. It doesn't burn me because of my glove, but I still throw it over the top.
Me: Ah, fuck!
I feel a warm liquid escape my wound, and a fire of pain.
Me: It fucking hurts! Oh, god damnit!
Charms: It'll be ok man, your gonna be fine
Me: No shit! If I die I'm gonna haunt all you fuckers!
I see two clones with a red mark on their armor rush over. They both pick me up and wrap their arms around me, and wrap my arm around the back of their necks. They quickly rush down the trench, and I feel a sudden, and hard, tug. I fall, and hit my visor on the board on the trench wall. It effectively cracks my visor. I look to the ground and see a helmet. I look to the left, and I see one of the medics laying on the ground lifeless with a hole in the side of his head. I get pulled off the ground, and rushed forwards more. That's all I remember before I pass out.

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