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As soon as I left the command center my squad was waiting for me. I walk over to the five sad faces. I look to the original two in the group. I think back to when we met Angel.

"It's night, and a droid convoy with supplies is making it's way towards the prison complex. We are laying prone on the ground on a vantage point that over looks the road. I look to my side and see my friend and comrade. We use the thermals we stole to detect any heat waves emitted from any vehicles. I see it. They have a few vehicles, and some more droids. Luckily I can see the heat emitted from the droids hot feet. I tell him the plan.
Me: Alright, when I give you the signal throw a grenade at that armored vehicle
Chuck: What's the signal?
Me: Oh, you'll know
With that I fist bump him, and leave for the other side. I get over and hide behind a tree. I look around my cover every few seconds. Soon enough I see the convoy. I was right. Thinking quickly, I throw a rock in front of the group. They haunt and look around. I aim at a pouch of grenades that a droid has. I fire and it hits, and the area erupts into a furious, beautiful, red, hot, explosion. I soon hear the boom of a grenade and I rush out of the cover and go new cover. As I run I see the red bolts of plasma flying by me. It's exhilarating. I find cover behind the immobile vehicle at the front of the convoy. I fire the E-5 I stole a while back. It sprays into the group of droids, and mows them all down. A few run behind cover but are quickly eliminated by Chuck. I look over all the vehicles, but I notice a transport vehicle. I get behind it and I open the hatch from the side. It lowers and I quickly clear it. I look into the hatch and see two clones."

The memory is still fresh in my mind, and then memories Force themselves into my mind, I see the jungle in front of me, and memories come back. The fighting, the blood, the death.

"I hear the sound of a blaster going off twice, and I look to see Devil with a stolen E-5 in his hands, he stole it from the B1 that was guarding him, shot it, and shot the commando droid in the head. I look on, surprised as all hell. He blasts 2 droids that were in front of us. They all scatter, and I leap for an E-5. Chuck does the same. We achieve our weapons and start firing. I hit a few, but I only cause minor damage. I hit one in the head though, and I hit one in the chest. I quickly get to cover with Chuck, and he fires off multiple bolts, killing 1 droid, and damaging multiple others. I peak over to see Devil rushing to us. He jumps over the cover and turns around. He starts firing beside us. He, of course, nails all in the head. We keep firing and a grenade lands beside us. I try and jump away but can't. I hear it go off, and I close my eyes, waiting for the pain. I feel nothing. I open my eyes and see Devil. On top of me. He took the damage from the grenade. He saved me, but not himself.
Me: Devil!
Chuck turns around to see what happened and he sees the injured Devil.
Chuck: Damnit!"

Then another.

"Chuck: Everybody radio silence...
I ready my weapon, and we wait a minute. After 20 seconds of complete radio silence I swear that I felt a strong gust of wind. 30 seconds later I kind of relax. Only 9 more seconds. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... it's over. I turn around to talk to Crackshot again and he's not there.
Me: Crackshot. Crackshot, where are you. This isn't funny!
The others hear me and turn around to see that he's gone. Me and Chuck look at Bolt.
Me: What do we do, sir?"

More and more! It tortures my mind, my heart, my sanity!

"As we move to the middle of the clearing I hear an all to familiar sound. You hear it all the time in basic. An EMP!
Me: Scatter!
We quickly run from the middle of the clearing, and blaster fire is set off. I see red blaster bolts flying around me, and hitting the ground in front of me, I hear the sound of metallic feet. I look back, and I see a few brownish black droids shooting at us with E-5s. I quickly get behind a tree and look around for friendlies. I peak around and a blaster bolts flys right over my head. I grab my DC-15S, and unfold the stock. I start to army crawl my way to a bunch of rocks. On the way over I aim to my right and fire three bolts. I look up and see 2 other streams of blaster bolts. I get up and sprint towards the streams of fire.
Me: Covering fire!
They continue to light up the droids, but it seems that it is doing nothing. I make my way over to them, and I crouch beside Bolt. I see him firing his DC-15A, and I do the same. I see them divert fire to us, and a jump out of the way. I didn't jump soon enough though. Neither did Bolt. I jumped in time for a bolt to him home right in the left arm. But Bolt got it right to the head. I watched his body fall, and I rush over to my brother. I check his vitals, and it is clear that he is dead. With my one good arm, I pick up by DC-15s again and fire. I hit it in the chest, but it just gets back up again.

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