Gay Shit

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"Do you really need to tape that to the wall?"

"Shh. I'm working."

Felix stepped in. "Kid, you're just putting up a sign. With tape. On the wall. Doesn't seem too hard to me."


"What does that even say?" Ozzy asked.

"Simple," Kid answered, and stepped aside to show off the sign. "'Gay shit is now mandatory.'"

He heard a "hell yeah brother" coming from the living room.

"So, like," Tiffany started, tapping on her phone, "where are the lesbians?"

"They went out. I was actually starting a call just now."

Carla's voice rang out from Kid's phone. "I wish you guys could be here to see all these dirty looks we're getting. It's amazing."

"They don't really seem to like us." Penny noted.

Carla snickered. "Yeah, well let them hate us then. Let's piss them off with our existence. Anyway, I'll call you back later, Kid. We have a public to hold hands in."



"God fucking damnit."

Well that tone was scary.

"You okay, Felix?" Kid asked, worried.

"It's fucking Cindy."


It was fucking Cindy.

felix i stg

I'm not sending dick pics Cindy


ur doing whatever i say

do you not realize how incredibly easy it would be to ruin you


No reply.

He fucking left her on read.

Whatever. The pics didn't really matter to her that much anyway. It was just the principle.

Someday he'd realize how little say he got in this.


Oh god ohgfuck Kid's arm was on Ted's shoulder and he was being all casual about it

Act natural

Act natural


Everyone was looking at them! They were all like "oh what're those girls doing out here" this is not!!!! good

Carla seemed fine but oh no oh no mothers are averting their children's eyes


What are you talking about Ozzy isn't gay he and Felix were friends for a long time it's not gay regardless of how close they may be to each other


Wow uh Ted's super blushy right now maybe he had a thing for Kid? It wouldn't be much of a surprise actually. Anyway the Gay Shit™️ sign is working well!


Haha wow everyone looks pissed. This is amazing. Oh hey that building looks flammable that could be fun


Oh no no no no no he really just ignored Cindy didn't he? She was gonna kill him. Or worse. Probably worse.


Billy looked around the room. With Penny and Cindy out on a date, Nugget and Lily holding hands, Kid with his arm draped around Ted's shoulder and Ozzy and Felix sitting very close, it seemed like everyone but him had their soulmate. Even Jerome and Monty had platonic life partners, Jerome's being Kid and Monty's being Carla.

But it was fine. He had his sister, and he had himself.

And that was all he needed.

A/N: Character development for Billy? In my Kindergarten fanfiction?

It's more likely than you think.

Sorry for the long wait, you can blame a total lack of inspiration.

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