Chap 7: House of mirrors

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Todoroki's POV:

I chewed on the cotton candy. It was delicious and sweet. And it felt good breaking the rules even though I'd rather be eating soba and watching a movie right now, I'll confess that this was refreshing.

It was needed.

I looked over at Freya, she was looking at me with a confused experession. Her face was interesting I'll admit.
It went from curious, to deep thinking, to realization. Right now she was curious and confused.
Immediately her face lit up when she saw that I was looking at her.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked as I took another bite of the cotton candy.

She shook her head and smiled, "Why nothing, nothing at all."


"Is there cottan candy on my face or something?"

I was curious, you never know what goes inside that head of hers. Especially when she had assumed I was some delinquent that spray paints on my dad's Ferrari.

Though the idea is tempting.

"Let's just say I solved a little mystery of mine. Shall we continue with our trip bad boy supreme?"

Oh right I'm a bad boy

Forgot about that

My eyes widened and I immediately adjusted myself to the role I was playing

A bad boy

"Yeah yeah sure whatever, let's just get this over with." I walked off with the cotton candy

Heavens above I sound like Bakugo.

"Come on move already tch." I turned towards her as she smirked.

I hope it isn't permanent. Wouldn't want to be Bakugo forever.

...I don't wanna die from high blood pressure.

She whistled past me, her smug face annoying me. What is she hiding ? What does she know? Does she know I had her journal and read every inch of it even though Midoriya told me not to?


Flashback :

"Todoroki kun you shouldn't invade other people's privacy." Midoriya nagged, as he did his best Iida impression. "It's not very hero like at all."

"You know what else isn't hero like? Fangirls breaking into my house just to get pictures of my underwear. They were searching in the drawer. Little do they know that my underwear is in the  cupboard. And my underwear cupboard is locked."
I said as I skimmed through the pages. Very detailed and—ooh she made doodles.

He raised his finger to make a point, "Those girls aren't heroes to begin with and it's not Freya's fault—wait... Did you say underwear cupboard?"


"... You have a cupboard, reserved only for your undergarments Todoroki kun? What do you need a cupboard for?" His head dropped as he looked at me with his mouth open.

"Oh you know, I have lots of undergarments for lots of occasions. Like holidays, and different days according to my mood...are you seriously noting this down in your hero journal?"

I stared blankly at him as he nodded rapidly while jotting down my storage tendencies.

"Ofcourse! This is good information. On a bad day I can sell this information to your fanclub and buy that All Might limited edition glow in the dark sneakers with extra kick... On a bad day ofcourse." He smiled at me and continued to write.

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