Chap 13: The Chase

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Previously on F.R.I.E.N.D.S
You and Todoroki got caught by Monoma after a romantic lunch.
Now you run.

Freya's POV:

It was a beautiful morning, with the sun out and cold winter breeze hitting my face as the birds chirped and couples laughed to themselves.

While I ran for my life with Todoroki Shoto getting chased by Monoma, my father's personal spy.

How romantic

What a day, why don't we kiss underneath the moonlight

"Don't look back Freya!" Todoroki yelled as he held my hand, running at high speed as I tried to keep up.

"Why would I look back when I'm running forward!" I huffed trying to keep up with his speed, his hand securing mine.

"You think this is a good time for your sarcasm?" He jumped up from a postal box while I ran around it.

Man, I knew he worked out but dayum..

"O-ok! I'm trying you know!" We pushed past the nice people of this street, shoving them out of the way as we ran with a smug blond chasing us.

"Give up already! You think you can escape?!" I heard Monoma say smugly, .

Todoroki looked puzzled and looked back at Monoma,"Yes?"

"Well you thought wrong! Because when I get my hands on you both, then it's bye bye Freya and Todoroki! Can you imagine the glory?!" He laughed as he gained speed.

Todoroki groaned and threw his wig at Monoma's face.

"I  SEE! WHAT IS THIS?! HAIR?!" I heard him shriek like a girl while I burst into laughter still running.

We pushed past a hot dog cart while Todoroki eyed it while running,

"Can we try tha—

"Later Shoto!" I shouted...wait crap I said his first name. I can't believe I said his first name so casually as if I'm so close to him.

I mean, we did went through alot of stuff..but still.

I had zoned out to my thinking while Todoroki dragged me, "Freya snap out of it!" He panted looking back.

I looked back too finding that Monoma had picked up his pace as he copied someone's quirk,

His shape shifted into a snake as he slithered at high speed towards us

How ironic

"Oh my god he's a snake!" I urge my legs to run faster but they were giving up quick.

"Nothing changed I suppose then." Todoroki's grip on my hand tightened and he took a sharp turn.

While I was running, my mind kept jumping to the possible conclusions of this chase.

Dad is going to ground me for life

I'll never see Todoroki or my friends again

I'll be homeschooled...

Fear sank into my heart as my already troubled breathing got heavier. I felt my limbs becoming feeble as I tried to jump to keep with the pace and still hold Todoroki's hand.

"What the? Freya!" Todoroki whipped back to a three year old me, trying to keep up as better as I could.

"I'm sorry! I can't control it ya know!" I let out a pant as I saw snake Monoma getting real close.

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