Chap 11:Apologies

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Todoroki's POV:

I silently ate my lunch, my gazed fixed at her. She sat in front of me, taking small nibbles from her lunch. Trying to savour each bite.

Funny I thought she'll want to finish it quick to get away from me.

I shook my head at my thoughts. I would have actually thought that she wanted to avoid me because she hated me for what I did that night if it weren't for Midoriya explaining the situation of her dad to me.

My intentions were pure but the method was bad I suppose.

But can you blame me.

When I saw Freya, I had a hunch that she had misunderstood me but I don't blame her.

Besides, I had misunderstood her too, thinking that she's just a fangirl.

And I did got both of us in trouble. I took a deep breath and looked her in the eye,

"Freya... I'm—"

"I'm sorry Todoroki kun."

My mouth shut as I stared at her with heat rushing to my cheeks. I wasn't expecting an apology from her honestly. But mostly,

I was confused.

Why was she apologizing again? Wasn't it my fault that she got in trouble?

I tilted my head, "For what?"

She took another bite of her french fries and stared at me dead in the eye.

"For judging you without properly knowing you ofcourse. Look at where that got us." She immediately looked down, "Besides if it weren't for me and that diary, you wouldn't have done all that."

I remained silent with shock, I wasn't expecting this.

"But it was my method that got you in trouble for your dad."

She immediately retaliated, "But if it weren't for my wild imagination, none of us would be in this mess!"

"But I was the one who had the idea to play out your fantasies. Henceforth I should be apologizing." I crossed my arms and stayed strong on my statement.

She put her lunch down, "But if I hadn't misjudged you or wrote those fantasies, last night wouldn't have happened! So that means I should apologize! Let me apologize!"

I shook my head, "Your fantasies were harmless, it was me who took it too far."

"No, you did what you had to do to teach a dumbass like me a life lesson! It's not your fault." She had stood up now, her hands on her hips.

"Language Freya."

"Not the point."

I stood up as well, "No, hush. It's my fault. I should be apologizing. I shouldn't have read your journal anyway."

Her face turned red, "But if it weren't for me, last night wouldn't have happened!"

My finger found its way to her lips, shushing her completely as she stared at me dumbfounded.


"Is it bad...that.." I hesitated a bit and shifted closer to her. "Is it bad.. that I actually enjoyed last night? Before the whole getting caught and house of mirrors thing? That makes me at fault doesn't it?"

I was oblivious at the fact that my face was so close to her but it got her to be quiet and listen to me so that worked.

She stared at my finger on her lips, then at me, her face turning a tad bit pink in the process.

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