Chap 16: Your Wannabe Delinquent

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Previously on two broke girls:
You and Todoroki fought off a Nomu and now you've achieved first name basis...after going against your parents.
Whoopie you bad bish.

Todoroki's POV:
I saw the medic wrap me up in some bandages, while my eyes travelled to Freya wobbling her arms around, enjoying her quirk drawback.

"I'm a pasta boy. In a pasta world. Life is tragic, it's trash shit." She whistled while the medic shook their head. The old man was busy answering the press while the residents and the public were being warded off.

I don't know how many times I've sighed, my body still felt jittery...but she came to my rescue didn't she? Even after her parents told her not to. My eyes softened at her.


It was sort of dreamy if you ask me.


My head jerked, "W-what? Are we in danger again??" My eyes sharpened at Freya. But she just replied with a grin,

"Heh, noooo. We're not in danger. I don't know about me though." She pouted.

I raised an eyebrow, "Are you hurt? Is it serious? Are you sure you're ok?" She started nodding and dismissing my questions with a wave of a hand,

"Yeah yeah I'm fineee. I'm just afraid that you might eat me since I got noodle arms now."

"...Come again?"

"Soba is your favourite food right?" And there it was, her smirk that she just made a joke.

"I don't side with cannibalism Freya and besides... You're not my type." I simply turned around and walked off to where my father was.

"W-wait what? WAIT! come on I was joking!!! Hey Sho-sho, you replied my joke with a joke right? Sho-sho?" She continued pestering and I continued walking.

Teasing her is fun

Freya's POV:

I cannot believe he just did that. Oh geez calm down Freya, it was just a joke.

I don't care if I'm his type or not.

It's not like I could ever be his type

...what is his type btw, asking for a friend

...that friend is me.

I facepalmed which was more like a slap cuz of my boneless arms. It's been a long time, my arms should go back to normal.

"Freya!! I said let me go that's my daughter over there!!"

What's with people and screaming—oh wait that's my mum.

"Mom?" I got up. The police weren't letting her pass and I'm sure if they continued to stop her, she might bite them.

"Whoa mom it's alright! I'm fine." I walked towards her while the officer allowed her to enter the police tape.

"Mom ..I know I shouldn't have ran off ..I'm sorr—OOF!!" I came face to ...chest with my mom as she hugged me tight.

"You're alright aren't you?!" Her breathing was heavy...oh god she got really worried...I'm such a wreck.

I rubbed her back and hugged her, "Ofcourse I'm fine. I know if I get hurt, then you'll kill me." She pulled back and wiped her tears, "You're damn right I will! Don't ever scare your mother like that! You nearly sent me to where your ancestors live!"

"Oh yeah where do my ancestors live?"


"Oh..." Another hug, this time her checking if my bandage was done properly. I can tell u that she wasn't impressed by my noodle arms, as much as I was.

Wannabe Delinquent [](TodorokiXOCReader) Where stories live. Discover now