Chap 15: Call me

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Previously on Avatar:
You and Todoroki are now facing your father after getting caught by Monoma.
Good luck lmao

Freya's POV:
I stared at him in shock as he did the same.

Oh no you don't, I'm taking the blame, back off!

"No, it's my fault." We both said at the same time. Getting frustrated we both started again.

"No it's not, it's mine."

"I said it's mine!"

"Shut up I said it's mine so it's mine!"

Syncing dialogues ain't fun.

My father shook his head, "Ok both of you stop, that's enough—"

We didn't stop and why would we.

We both were glaring at each other.

I started, "I was the one who wrote that stupid fantasy diary! And misjudged without even knowing you! Your reaction was normal!"

He scoffed, "Excuse me? What part of playing out your fantasy and pretending to be someone I'm not is considered as normal?"

"We have a rat for a principal! Everything is normal here!" I crossed my arms.

He let out a gasp, "Principal Nezu is a rat? I thought Monoma was a rat."
My father's head did a whiplash at that and I tried not to smile at that.

Going off topic, what am I going to do with you?

"Then what do you think Principal Nezu is?"

"A principal." He said as a matter of fact.


"Off topic! It's my fault. I started the chain reaction! It's me who should be blamed, not you!" My hands went on my hips, a failed attempt to assert dominance.

"Now listen here, what I did was reckless and got both of us in trouble!" He growled growing impatient with our ridiculous squabble.

"This is some serious Déjà vu from when we were both on the roof." I mumbled tilting my head at him.

He calmed down and nodded, "Agreed, let's just agree that we're both wrong." Well yeah he was right. We both were a couple of dumbasses doing dumb stuff. Just didn't know we both would click so good.

If only

I turned to my dad, "See? It's both of our faults!" To which Endeavour grumbled responded, "that's why you both are getting punished by not seeing each other."

He has a point

Well that backfired.

Heh pun

Not the time Freya

Shoto crossed his arm and narrowed his eyes at Endeavour, something told me that he was mad, his regression towards his father just grew.

Gritting his teeth he let out a breathey sigh, "You don't get to decide what punishment I deserve. That's karma's job."

I didn't know when my hand went to his, or when I squeezed it, or when he looked at me and calmed down.

It just happened.

"You ok?"

"...Yeah yeah." A squeeze in return was enough to answer so I nodded. I didn't notice how scary silent my dad was. The air seemed heavy and thick. It was getting harder to breathe while the room was spacious enough.

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