Chap 9: Mission Impossible

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Freya's POV:

Am I a bad person?

Well am I? The series of events that have taken place in these two days has been utterly ridiculous, exhausting and not to mention unbelievable!

It's like I'm being put into test, a test to see if I'll make the right decisions or not? And being a hero means making the right decisions all the time,

Whether it breaks you or not

And how bad I am in making the right decisions, I don't think I'm cut out for being a hero.

Don't let these thoughts in Freya, they're nothing but leeches.

"Freya honey?" My door was creaked open as my mother entered with some pancakes in hand. She entered seeing my head buried in my pillow with my body sprawled over the bed, too exhausted to look up at her and respond with a ' yes mom?'

"Frey Frey you can't expect to stay in your bedroom and expect everything to get better."

As if it was that easy

I turned my head away, looking at the sun peeking out as I had failed to sleep completely.

"I'm not going to school today."

"Now Freya you can just run away from–"

Ofcourse I can't! How silly of me!

I got up and straightened my back, "I get it, no really I get it. Being exhausted isn't an excuse right?"

She frowned at me and I immediately regretted it, "I'm...sorry mum." I sighed as I sat down and took the plate of pancakes from her, "I shouldn't have said's just, it's been a long two days for me and I don't know if I'll be able to function  properly today."

I took a bite and looked up at her again, "Or if I'll be able to meet his gaze again before guilt eats me and swallows me whole."

What sort of friend was I supposed to be? First you misjudge em, then you leave them and now...I was going to avoid him.

Without getting a chance to properly apologize.

"I hate myself for this mum, I hate myself for doing all those things to Todoroki and ...snapping at you,. Sorry about that."

Atleast I can apologize to you.

I sighed in defeat as I slumped over, my mother putting her hand on my shoulder,

"It'll be alright, everything falls into place with time. I'll talk to your father, and you know your father is only being protective of you. He loves you."

That makes me more guilty.

"Yeah I know mum, I'll guess I'll take some coffee." I forced a smile up at her and finished the pancakes.

"Oh and, it might take some time for your father to allow you into the dorms again... He's being very cautious at the moment. But he'll come around you'll see."



The mission impossible theme music played in my head as I jumped, ducked and professionally hid from every student there.

I was no dummy, I knew the news spread like wildfire and considering how defeated the police officer that caught us last night looked, I wouldn't be surprised if he threw the news all over social media.

"I am the Dark Knight.. I am the Dark Knight, I am the shadow." Suddenly the mission impossible theme music in my head seemed to be getting louder and louder.

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