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A/N: I'm too eager to get these parts published so here's chapter two!

Enjoy! :)


I guess he didn't care to follow after all, I turn my gaze back in front of me. After walking for what seems like 15 minutes, I reduce my pace to a slow wander. None of this looks familiar. The corridors are dark and unfriendly, nothing like the widely lit ones I've seen in pictures and movies. This is the exact opposite of the first hall I wandered into.

I'm lost.

I stop for a second, sighing. Maybe I'll just die down here and no one will even know I was here, out of place and a burden. There's nowhere to go from here except straight in front of me for how long, or straight back to God knows where. I don't even remember the turns I've made to get this far.

Why do I have to be so ignorant?

Commencing once again, I start walking toward the end of the passage, which is nowhere in sight. My feet scuff away at the stone floor until I hear an unusual click. Then, my feet are swept from beneath me, and I hit the surface of water with a hard splash. I cry out as the bars settle over the only way out, slowly descending above my head. Quickly, I search for a way out. The water is murky and deep, making it difficult to see three inches in front of my face. The bars are a foot above the surface, and I take the deepest breath that could very well be my last.

Swimming down under fast, I search for a release mechanism, but it's still too opaque. The bars descend further. The air in my lungs is running out. I swim quickly to the wall and feel around until my hands hit the cold metal of a wheel. Frantically, I yank and pull on this wheel to get it to turn, but it's no use. Raoul, with his masculine strength, could do it with some effort. I, on the other hand, with my noodle arms and nonexistent muscle, could not. The air that I had saved just expelled from my body in frantic, exhausted bubbles.

Water rushes into my mouth and instantly chokes me, and I gasp for the air that was nowhere around. The bars push down on me, and I cling to them weakly as I descend to the bottom of the trap, drowning. The heavy weight in my lungs beckons my eyes to close tightly forever.

I could not resist.



As soon as the word 'wench' leaves my lips, I see the shock spread across her face in a wave. Her eyes drain of their sparkling blue light as she clenches her jaw tight and stares a hole through my face. I feel as though that comment has crossed the line.

"I guess I was wrong about you," she says tightly, her posture unnaturally straight. "Some people really aren't redeemable."

An odd emptiness fills my chest as her words register in my head. She turns and flees down the hall to the left, and I stare after her silently, unmoving. I blink a few times, processing the moment. I guess...I do deserve unkind words, since I had spouted some harsh ones during my fit of anger. I couldn't contain it. She looks just like my Christine, and I felt betrayed after I let my guard down and realized it wasn't Christine at all. Just a near identical copy of her.

Why did I do that?

My hand plants against my forehead, pressing hard. I was beginning to get a migraine, again. This was all so overwhelming, even for me. First, Christine and that fop get engaged on the rooftop of my opera house, all while degrading me collectively. Then, they disappear on some month-long eloping period together, which I have no contact with her whatsoever. My migraines have returned along with aggressive depression, just dandy. To top it all off, a copy of Christine time travels from the future, where I confuse her for my Angel, then scare her off. Maybe this was a sign from the future.

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