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I make my way up the catacomb stairs alone with an incessant buzzing in my limbs. Today is the day, not good or bad...yet. Just a day. Am I even ready for this? Is he prepared for something like this? God, what am I thinking! I'm going to make such a fool out of myself and quite possibly ruin our beautiful friendship. I can't run away now; he'll see through any bullshit excuse I pull. It's today or never. And I'd rather rip the bandaid off now.

Take everything out during rehearsal, I prep myself silently. Sing your nerves away, dance the fear out of you, and kill every stitch of anxiety that threads through your heart. The worst he can do is say no, right? That he doesn't feel the same, that my love isn't requited...

Oh, God. And rip my heart out while he says it.

Heaving a sigh, I rub my eyes generously while nearing the mirror. Maybe it'll feel easier after tiring myself out. Then, I'll be able to throw up my affections at his feet, which he can promptly run his foot over. Frowning, I slide my hand along the wall for the release mechanism. Maybe it won't be so bad, and I'm just overthinking? The masquerade did go splendidly, with his returning my overly confident remarks and my sultry gaze. To him, I probably looked like some hungry wolf eyeing him up. I didn't even think of that... I smack my forehead with a grimace. Why didn't I pay more attention!

"Just...tell him how you feel," I whisper to myself, creeping out of the mirror and closing it behind me. "It's not that hard. Just a few words. 'I like you,' and that's it. Well...moreso 'love' than just..." I sigh and realize how pitiful I sound, talking to myself in the dark room. A creak sounds from the door, and I notice it is already partially opened. Was someone in here? It's not exactly my room anymore...since I've been spending my time in Erik's home. Yet, the sight is alarming to me, especially since I just walked out of a mirror.

Inching toward the door, I feel confident that it was only a draft, so I brush my hair back and do my best not to look flustered before rehearsal. Pushing the door open further, I am confident I am alone until I turn the corner and come face to face with someone. This isn't just anybody. The face I'm met with is a rather infuriated looking Ivan with his arms across his chest. "Alia?" His dark tone doesn't even resemble a question. "Is this where you've been going all these nights?"

"You know I stay in this room," I feel the blood drain from my face as excuses flee from my brain. "Of course I come back here..."

"I don't believe this," he runs his hands over his face, gripping them into his tousled blonde hair. "Does Meg know about this?"

My paranoid silence must answer his question. Swiftly, he turns on his heel in exasperation, but I fly forward, grabbing his arm. "You've got the wrong idea though, Ivan! Please listen to me--"

Unkindly, he shoves my hand away. I stand back, hurt by his aggressive response. "So everything Raoul said to me is true?"

I stand still, my heart momentarily stalling. "Raoul said something?"

Ivan furrows his brows, his red face popping against his light hair. "Raoul let me in on this little secret after the masquerade. I've been keeping a small eye out for your whereabouts after Meg brought up some 'man' you've been seeing. I should have known." He scoffs and throws his hands roughly. "You really think I wouldn't find out?" My chest gets heavier with his every word. "Christine recognized you that night even when I couldn't. They told me everything." At my silent protest of betrayed glares, his lips draw back impatiently. "Come on, Alia. It's Raoul! Why would he lie to me!"

I am utterly astonished. My first instinct is to stand taller against him, despite the immense size difference. "Why would you trust anybody here, Ivan!" I could feel my face begin to heat up like it always does when I'm angry. "You of all people thought this situation was preposterous. That this was all just a dream. Who's to say it's not?" My hands toss quickly through the air. "And since when have you gone around trusting the very people who plotted the ultimate betrayal against Erik!"

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