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A/N: Warning! Some salt ahead ;)




Of course it had to be like this.

Why wouldn't he kiss her?

Why wouldn't he instantly take her back?

My swimming eyes land on the ring on my finger as I run aimlessly toward the surface, my breath coming out in heaves. Meaningless, I glare bitterly at the piece of jewelry and clench my hand, running faster. Was it all meaningless? How could he do this to me! After everything I've done, everything I've given for him. My trust, my loyalty, my love, my...body and soul...

"God damnit!" I cry and hold in my sobs, feeling every fiber of my heart tear in two. I grip my arm close to my chest as the healing wound starts to throb. My feet falter as my lungs burn in my chest, but I keep my head high and see the mirror in the distance. Just a little farther. You're almost out. You're almost to Meg.

Finally, my fingers grasp the mirror's edge and haul it open, and I tumble out and catch my breath. Flinging my messy hair away from my damp face, I wipe my eyes and hold a deep breath in. It'll startle Meg to see you like this. Calm down. Slightly composed, I swing open the door and hurry to her room, knocking on the door. It takes less than a moment for her to open with curious eyes, until they catch my flustered form. She holds a hand to her mouth and shoves the door back, dragging me inside.

"Alia? Mon Dieu, what happened? What's wrong?"

Her concerned gestures as she leads me to her bed fill my chest with a dull ache. Tears once again trigger, falling onto my cheeks as I drop my head into my hands with a painful sob. "I-I can't believe he did this to me," I wretch out, gripping the roots of my hair with my good hand. "Do I really mean nothing to him?"

"What are you talking about?" Meg pulls a bench up and sits in front of me, taking my hand away from my head and into her own. Her worried eyes catch mine through the blurry tears. "Erik did something to you?"

"He...he..." I hiccup through my crying and wince as a sharp pain hits my lungs. I hang my head pitifully, "he was with...Christine."

Immediately, Meg's grip tightens sternly. The concern in her eyes hardens to stone. "Are you serious? Where did you see this at?"

Sniffling, I tilt my head up and beg the tears to subside. "Out by the lake. I woke up from a nap and went to find him, and when I did, I..." the painful image flashes across my eyes of her gripping him so close, their lips locked together in front of my very eyes. "They kissed, Meg. Right there, as I stood." More tears well up, and I take my hand back from hers, wiping them away weakly.

In front of me, Meg exhales a long sigh, sitting back in thought. "Alia, I'm so sorry..." she goes quiet as I force myself to stop crying, yet failing miserably. There is a pause before she sets her hand on my knee, gaining my attention. "Didn't Ivan say they were going to Nantes to get away from everything? What happened to that?"

"I-I don't know..."

"Raoul would never have let her come back alone," she mutters and furrows her brows, staring off distantly. "She must have come back on her own. Alia," she lifts her head with wide eyes, "she came and found your Erik. There's no way he would betray you, especially after proposing."

"I'm not so sure anymore," I whisper hesitantly, clutching my gimp arm absently. "I don't know what to believe."

"Think of it, though," she continues, that determined spark entering her eyes. "He's doing his normal thing, just waiting for you to wake up, and suddenly he's surprised by Christine appearing out of nowhere. He was probably too shocked to even move. And of course, Christine being the persistent minx she is, she could've forced herself upon him! I know your Erik wouldn't betray you like that."

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