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A/N: This story does contain mature language and themes, which will be seen later on. I may have forgotten to write it before, but there will be depictions of foul language and such.

Anyway, enjoy the update!



I stumble forward and grab onto her arms, catching her wide, concerned eyes. "Alia?" Her voice is taut like a wire. "I've been looking for you everywhere! What happened back there?" Her hands grip me tighter, and I swear I see the hint of tears in her eyes.

Even with my best friend here, I can't help the surge of emotions threatening to overwhelm my conscious mind. My trembling hands lose grip on her arms, and I slip forward clumsily, catching myself. "I-I can't..." I clutch my chest as sharp pains drag through my lungs. "I can't take it anymore, Meg! Christine gets everything, just like she'll win back Erik!" The truth finally flies free from my chapped lips, sounding harsh and childish in the dim hallway.

Meg's eyes fill with an unreadable emotion. "What are you talking about, Alia? I thought you were happy with the role you got?"

"I am," I heave a sigh and turn away, scowling deep enough to welcome a headache. "And I would have eventually been fine with Christine being Aminta, but she paid a surprise visit to me after I left! I came out of this room, and she dares to tell me I'm never allowed back in there? Then she has the gall to bring Erik into this--!"

"She brought him up?" Her tone is as ghastly as mine.

"Yes!" I whip around and throw my hands up. "She brings up how Ivan hates my relationship with him after he found out, then boldly claims I've been swindling her angel, when he was never her angel to begin with! He's a man, and she never treated him like such until now--now that he's spoken for!"

"You're jesting. Please tell me you're jesting."

"I wish I was," I bite my lip to hold back any display of despair. "It gets worse, Meg. She accused me of bedding him, something she'll probably spread quick enough to get back at me." My hands shake as I lift them to my head anxiously. "I didn't sleep with him. And even if I did, it wouldn't be her business because we're an item--"

"You two are finally together? Is that why you were so dreamy earlier?" Meg speaks just above a whisper, a small smile finding its way to her lips. Seeing this display releases some of the rigid tension in my aching shoulders. I nod slowly with a sigh.

"Yes. I mean, basically. Yesterday, I finally told him how I feel, that I love him. It took him a little to show me his face willingly, but he did, and I still love him. He said it too; he loves me too. Meg," I beg with the fear of God in my eyes. "I can't lose him to Christine after everything we've been through. I can't let him perform with her..."

Her brows crease together in thought, her hands clasping together. "He wants to perform with her? When did he say that?"

"Today, after I ran back here to talk to him."

"Did he tell you why?" She steps closer and lowers her voice as the conversation delves into a private one.

Looking down, I feel my racing heart start to slow with an incessant throb following. "Yes... He said he only wants closure, but I'm afraid...if he hears her sing, if she does something to ignite his feelings... I'll lose him forever." The tears I've been forcing back now brim in my eyes, spilling over like rain. What has become of me? I'm distrusting the man I confessed my love to, all because of the possibilities Christine could create. My heart can't bear all of this.

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