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A/N: Another update today! I can now say the story is coming to a close, but don't worry, not yet :D  I hope you enjoy the chapter!



I stir awake with a pleasant taste in my mouth and a dream-like hum in my brain. Rubbing my eyes lightly, I turn my head and find Alia's sleeping form right next to me, her arm draping across my chest. My heart flips inside me, leaving a warm buzz in my body. Memories from yesterday filter through my head, flashing vividly behind my eyes as I savor the feeling of it all. How is this not a dream? Alia...loves me, she said it and proved it by staying. She's seen my face now and exceeded my expectations by not cowering in fear or darting away. She...stayed, willingly, and touched my face with heavenly hands, making me feel...human.

This feeling... I gaze down at her soft features as she dreams peacefully in her sleep. Having her here, in my bed, is such a foreign feeling. I never once expected a woman to lie next to me, let alone say she loves me, ever in my life. Alia has done both, without being forced. She has chosen to stay, even after seeing this...this horrid face of mine. How does she do it? How can she gaze upon my face with those tender eyes and not be afraid, disgusted? Is her time actually accustomed to people who look like me? Whatever it may be, God has finally made Himself known and sent me this celestial angel to give me all the happiness in the world. Now...

I must never lose her.

With a smile, I watch her scrunch her nose before she wakes, leaning her head back in a stretch. As her eyes flutter open, a thought flashes through my head, gripping my heart in fear. My mask! She must certainly not wish to see this ugliness first thing in the morning! As my arm whips over to snatch it off the end table, her hand catches it, stopping me. Her eyes are now fully awake, staring into mine with an intimidating seriousness.

"Erik," her morning voice is enough to pinken my cheeks. "No."

Drawing my arm back, I fight the vicious urge to crawl under the blanket and hide. "Alia...surely you mustn't want to see this so early..."

Her icy eyes seal my lips shut immediately. "What I want is for you to trust me. From now on, no more mask." Her expression tells me this isn't a request, more of a demand.

Holding my breath, I know deep down she is only caring for my wellbeing. Yet, her intimidation is a shocking surprise to me. Who knew she could shut me up in a matter of seconds? As if sensing my reluctance, her angelic fingers brush against my deformed cheek, light like feathers, sending all sorts of chills and emotions flooding through my body. This is all so new it scares me. At the same time, I wish to relish this moment forever, knowing she loves me for me.

Shocking me further, she leans up and presses her plump lips against my forehead, earning a trembling sigh from me. She meets my eyes again with a warm smile that pierces my heart with Cupid's most potent arrow. Oh, she looks so beautiful laying there before me! How innocent, how demure... The way her collar exposes her shoulder makes my fingers tingle amorously, the soft sheen of her ivory skin tempting my eyes. The blanket poorly hides her voluptuous curves which bring a sweet taste to my tongue. In my chest, my heart thuds like the trampling of a horse. Oh, we must get out of bed before my mind fogs completely!

Feeling a light sweat on my face, I push the blankets away and sit at the edge of the bed, catching my stolen breath. She loves you, a voice echoes in my ear. Protect her, don't lust after her. She trusts you. Clearing my throat, I turn my head back and smile past my embarrassment. "Would you...like to sing this morning after some tea? I haven't heard your voice in a small while."

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