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Thank God that's done.

I wipe the sweat from my forehead and hurry to my dressing room to change out of the outfit. Erik should be around here somewhere then, he didn't say he'd be anywhere far. After I slip into a simple evening dress, I come out from behind the changing divider and make my way to the mirror. Sliding it open, I peek in and see nothing but an empty dark passage. Hm, I think and go to the door. Maybe he's outside and I missed him?

Peering out, I am met with another empty hallway, and I furrow my brows. "Erik?" My voice echoes quietly along the walls. Where could that man have gone? I would check his home, but the last time I roamed those passages alone, I wound up nearly dying. Multiple times. Sighing, I shut the door behind me and make my way down the hall. If he was in his box, he would've followed me back, surely. There's really one other place I could check...

The roof.

But...it's still daytime, I ponder, running a hand through my thick hair. Well, you never know when it comes to Erik. It wouldn't hurt to check. With hopes in finding him up there, I make my way through the level and up the stairs, keeping from the view of others. Finally making it to the stairs to the roof, I push open the doors and scan the whole area. It looks nearly uninhabited, but my eyes land on a form near the edge of the roof. It is, in fact, Erik.

But he looks...troubled.

Maybe telling him the news of a quick and quiet rehearsal will ease his mind. He was worried about how I would be treated before. Maybe that's what's on his mind. Making sure not to sneak up on him, I make my way toward him, "Erik?"

There is a moment before he turns around, his eyes oddly dull. What happened while I was away? I feel my stomach turn heavily. When he turns back around, my heart starts to race anxiously. I didn't do something to anger him, did I? I tried to keep a smooth practice so there wouldn't be any trouble to confront afterwards. Was he disappointed in something?

"Is everything okay?" I ask meekly, swallowing my nerves. Maybe he's just tired...but then I remember he rarely sleeps because he's never tired.

He nods once in response, his eyes gazing distantly over the city. I start to pick at my fingers vigorously. We were so good the past few days and I felt like we've made huge progress together as friends. After the picnic, I really felt solid about our friendship, but something must have happened. I must have done something to dent that bond. 

Does he...regret sharing good times with me?

"Are you cross with me?"

"No," his voice is low and short in response. His eyes are still far out over the horizon, and I stand next to him anxiously.

"Can you tell me what it is?"

Is he not hearing me or something?


Now, he turns his head and meets my eyes, but his normally bright gold eyes are dull and flat. He looks... disappointed, or maybe it's distress...

"What is it?"

"Nothing," he mutters out and averts his eyes, his shoulders visibly tense under his cloak.

I can't take seeing him like this, I clench my jaw and fidget on my feet. My nerves feel like boiling over my body. "Was it the girls?" I blurt out, biting my lip after it slips. Erik's head lifts slightly, but enough for me to notice. "Did someone say something to you?"

Just as I think he'll ignore this question too, he whirls around and throws his hands around the back of his neck. "I despise the ballerinas here! I absolutely resent them, and every other wench that revolves around gossip. I watched from the side as they stopped nearby and still belittled you. In front of me!" His eyes are now flames of bright gold, his teeth bared as he faces me. "Alia, I could hardly contain my fury! I yearned to show them all the consequences of my wrath!"

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