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It was a free day today. All the members were out and about, exploring the city. Felix went with Chan to an arcade; Woojin, Seungmin and Jeongin were at the movies together.

Jisung wanted to stay back at home. He wanted to be alone for a while. And anyways, he didn't want to risk Stays seeing him. He looked bad enough as it was, he didn't want to blind Stays with the sight of him.

Jisung didn't realise three other people were in the house with him.

Minho, Changbin and Hyunjin.

So when they stepped in his room, he was obviously surprised. Not that he really minded, though. They were his best friends in Stray Kids now, and he was always comfortable in their presence. 

Jisung lay his head on Hyunjins chest as he held hands with Changbin, while talking softly with Minho. Yeah, he loved cuddling with them. Felix didn't mind, he just wanted Jisung to be happy.

"Hyungs, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, we just wanted to talk with you, Sungie. I mean, we were too lazy to go out with the others."

Jisung nodded his head in understanding. All four of them sat in comfortable silence for an hour, only speaking for a few minutes in between.

Then, as Jisung was about to fall asleep, he suddenly felt someone's lips on his. He was too surprised to even react. Not long after, he could feel Hyunjin moving behind him and slightly sucking his neck. On his sweet spot.

Oh, no.

His eyes widening, he started to struggle, but it was in vain as Minho and Changbin had held him down.

"G-guys, what are you doing?!"

Changbin smiled sadly, his eyes staring deep into Jisung's.

"I'm sorry, Sungie, " His smile turned psychotic, his pupils dilating as he started to chuckle. "Felix doesn't deserve you. I just want to show you that. We all do."

Jisung felt a pair of hands slide under his hoodie, groping at his skinny body. He yelped, continuing to struggle but to no avail. He felt tears brim his eyes as he tried to fight against Minho's strong grip.

"Stop, please stop.." He got cut off, Minho forcing a kiss on him, leaving his lips bruised.

His eyes widened, even more, when Hyunjin's hands found their way to his nipples, squeezing and groping. Changbin grinned, his hand trailing down to Jisung's pants, then to his crotch. He squeezed it, making Jisung jerk up from his seat.

Minho licked his lips, loosening his belt as he made his way towards Jisung's face.

"I love you so much, Sungie, " He cooed, sliding his pants off. Jisung gulped in fear. Minho threw his pants to the side before leaning closer as Changbin continued to touch Jisung in places where he shouldn't be touched.

Minho touched the very lips he had bruised, caressing Jisung's cheek.

"Your lips are beautiful, Sungie. So soft, so plump. I wonder if it could even fit.."

Smiling madly, he slipped his boxers off. 

"M-Minho, please, don"

He forced it in, nearly choking Jisung. He started to thrust in and out of his mouth, Changbin finally stripping off the last of Jisung's clothes as treats ran down the boy's face.

His cries were muffled by the force of Minho's thrusting. Hyunjin snaked his hands down to Jisung's member, rubbing it. Changbin unbuckled his own belt.

Jisung hated it. He didn't want this. It hurts. It hurts so much. Tears ran down his flushed cheeks as his body trembled slightly, being tainted by his three hyungs, the very same ones that he had once trusted, admired and loved.

Why were they doing this to him?

He felt sick. So, so sick.

"Sungie, I'm going in now~" Changbin chuckled maniacally. Without warning, he forced his way in, making Jisung cry out in pain, only to choke and gag after that.

Hyunjin pumped Jisung's member, touching his own as he watched the others violate his crush. That wasn't fair. He should be having his fair share too, right?

He grabbed Jisung by the waist, grinning, as he inserted his own along with Changbin's inside of Jisung. If Jisung could scream, he would. He would shout, cry, sob as loudly as he could, hoping to god that someone would hear him.

He felt his lower body burn in pain. The grip the other three boys had on him were so tight bruises littered his over his arms and legs.

"You feel so good, Sungie, " Hyunjin panted, ignoring the silent sobs Jisung had let out.

They were reaching their limit. Jisung could tell as their thrusts got faster, their pants rougher as his pain increased.

Finally, they all came at the same time, Jisung choking on Minho's cum as he felt his ass load up, aching and bruised.

He coughed, wheezing. But they didn't let go. They wanted for a while, grinning their psychotic grins of theirs, but no, they weren't finished.

At that moment, Jisung knew something was wrong.

This wasn't the Changbin he knew. This wasn't the hyungs he loved. They all turned into monsters as horrible as the voices in his head, all of them corrupted by who knew what. All that Jisung could do was cry, cry as the three of them crawled back to him, getting ready to touch him, taint him, hurt him more.

His heart shattered into pieces.


Jisung woke up a few hours later, his whole body on fire. His throat was hoarse from screaming and his head was heavy from his hard crying. His clothes were scattered across the floor, and his bed was a mess.

On his bedside table, lay a small note:

Don't you dare speak a word about this to anyone. Or else, you'll really regret it...

Was this how his mum felt during those dark times? He never thought it would be this painful.

Especially because those three stole his first. Not Felix.

He tried so hard not to let the tears fall, but a sob couldn't help but escape him lips. Why couldn't he stop them? Why did he trust them? Felix would hate him forever if he found out. He wouldn't be able to look at the living ball of sunshine the same anymore.

Jisung managed to pull himself up and go shower. He managed to wash off the scent of sex from his body, but the feeling would always be there. The memories would always be there. 

He grabbed his razor and started making slashes across his upper arms, so that no one would see them. The sight of the blood dripping continuously out made him smile maniacally.

Slicing would always keep him sane.

He couldn't be saved anymore.

I tried to like write smut for the rape part, but as you can see, I'm really bad at describing it, probably because I'm still a minor lol.

Edit: my friend helped me rewrite it haha it's way better now lmao

Written on: 15/10/19

Word count: 1168

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