Chapter One

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I had to sit and watch the tears roll down her cheeks. Her perfect face was tear stained and I hated seeing her like this. It broke my heart. All I ever wanted for her was for her to be happy.
"Severus, I don't know what to do. I love him dearly but I want a child so badly. Oh, it's such a mess. Help me!" Lily sobbed as she buried her head further into my shoulder.


I was sat, marking some 4th year essays, when I heard a knock at the door. I recognised the soft beating immediately. It was Lily. I leapt up and ran to the door. What met my eyes was not the usual, cheerful Lily I was so used to seeing now a days.. Instead, Lily stood at my front door with tears spilling down her face.
"Lily, my dear, what has happened? Are you okay?" I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and led her into the house.
"It's James." she cried, "He can't have children." As she finished her sentence she broke down. I knew how much she wanted children. Ever since we were younger she had gone on about how she dreamt of being a mother. I could feel her pain.


I held her closer, my mind racing with ways to cheer her up. I was no good at helping with her relationship problems, especially when all I wanted was for her to be mine. I wanted to show her that I was better than James, that I could give her the child she so desperately wanted. That I could be a better father than the good for nothing brute would ever be... I wanted her to see that I was meant for her. But, she was hopelessly in love with him, and he made her happy... How could I argue with that?
"Severus, what should I do? Talk to me. You always know what to do. You are my best friend." I shifted slightly as she reiterated the fact that I was just a friend to her, that I meant nothing more. "Severus? Please. I need you." The words rung in my ears, she needed me. I was her only hope. My heart jumped and my stomach fluttered. I was more desperate than ever to help her... But how? That was it! i had an idea, a stupid one at that, but an idea none the less. Before I could stop myself I had already blurted it out...
"I will be the child's father."

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