Chapter 14

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'My Lord...' I look at him dumbstruck he is here again. The darkness of his eyes makes me feel cold and horrible, just like in the old days. I don't know exactly where we are, but I presume that's how he wants it.
'Ahh, Severus. What are you doing here? I've heard all about your relationship with Albus. We can't trust you now.' I look at him cold and hard. I can feel him grab his wand and I know that he is close to killing me. I need to think fast...
'My Lord, I have been awaiting your return.. Lying low... Spying on your enemies... I can tell you a lot about Albus... And Potter...'
'Is that so?? Prove it Severus... Tell me something of use to me...' I knew this would happen and so did Dumbledore. He had given me information to relay to him. Partially decoys, partially true. I just had to remember it...
'Albus is creating a league. Right now against you. It's to be made up of Hogwarts students and teachers. I can infiltrate it for you, destroy it from the inside my Lord.' I could see the potential in his eyes. He was beginning to trust me again. I was to be in his inner circle if I kept relaying information to him. I was to redeem myself, I would have a purpose. This is what Lily warned me about....

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