Chapter 5

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"Severus. Are the rumours true?" Lily's voice was quiet and shaky as she spoke into the phone. I didn't know what to do. I had hoped that she wouldn't find out about me being what everyone else called a Death Eater. I struggled to catch my breath, gasping rapidly. "Severus, tell me they are lying to me. Tell me that the father of my child is not one of them. Please, tell me its a lie." She pleaded. It broke my heart to hear the desperation. But if Lord Voldemort found out that I was talking to someone in the Order then he would have me executed, or he would have that LeStrange girl torture me to insanity. I panicked.
"Leave me alone Lily. You don't control me and you never will. Stay away. You know how I feel about that child, I want nothing to do with it. STAY AWAY!" Lily gasped, obviously astonished by my attitude. I was taken aback by my own aggression, but I knew it was for her own good. The child was a few months old now, and was the most beautiful child I had ever laid eyes on. I wanted to make sure they were both safe, away from me and the Dark Lord.
"Severus, we are best friends. Whats going..."
"Goodbye Lily."
I hung up the call abruptly, slamming the phone down. I began to cry. Loud sobs escaped my mouth. I hated myself for how I had just treated her. I loved her, and never wanted her to leave me alone, but I knew she had to.


I entered Malfoy Manor and headed through the main hall, my robes flapping as I strode on. The Dark Lord had summoned us, his servants. He had heard news of a prophecy, one that spoke of his demise. He wanted his Death Eaters to comfort him and guide him, I supposed.
"My friends," he hissed as he spoke, "I have gathered you today because of rumours of a child." A small chuckle escaped one of the Death Eaters mouthes, I didn't know who it was.
"Amused Goyle?" The dark Lord hissed, obviously offended, "Do you think that I am joking around, my friend?" His eyes widened as he awaited an answer from this poor defenceless man. I gulped, as I saw the Dark Lords hand fall as he stroked Nagini. "Well?"
"My L-Lord, I d-do not mean to offend y-you." He stammered as he attempted to address Lord Voldemort. "I was mearly confused. I d-did not believe that my m-mighty Lord would be afraid of a child. After all he has done and conquered." His eyes wandered before fixating on the Dark Lord. Goyle was shaking uncontrollably now.
"I will not waste time punishing you Goyle, however, you better prove you are worth my time." The Dark Lord spoke, "Anyway, I have heard if a prophecy. One that speaks of my demise. I have to kill this child and its parents if they do not agree to join me."
"My Lord, who is this child you speak of?" Spoke Lucius Malfoy.
"A boy born at the end of July," I felt my heart drop, my stomach tighten. "A boy, that belongs to Lily and James Potter. Harry." The air was crushed out of me as the news struck me. My heart thudded. Lily was in danger. And it was my fault for giving her the gift of life. It was entirely my fault.
"Severus, are you okay my friend?" Lord Voldemort hissed at me.
"I think I just need some air." I gasped as I responded feebly.
"You are excused from this gathering, Severus. However, I do expect to hear from you soon." I stood up slowly and stumbled for the door, gasping for air as I went.
"Too many Butterbeers last night I presume." I heard someone say as I left the room. I has to protect her. I had to get them help. I had to go to Albus Dumbledore for help.

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