Chapter 7

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It had been almost 11 years since the accident, and my heart still ached every second of every day. She had been the reason I got up every day, even if she wasn't mine. I loved her so dearly and I had wanted to protect her but I failed to do that. Everything I had tried to do in my life I had failed at... Now, she was gone, and I had no purpose in life. If it wasn't for Albus I think, I would have taken my own life. He had kept me going.
Every night, since the accident I had apparated and sat outside her house in Godrics Hollow. It had been my way of remembering her. No body knew how much I loved her. No body understood the pain I felt whenever I saw a small ginger haired girl in my class. No body else felt how I felt about her. Everybody else had recovered from the incident but not me.

I was dreading the new school year. Ordinarily I enjoyed the endless time I spent marking Potions essays, they took my mind off the ache in my chest, but this year, I would be reminded of her every day. I was to teach the boy. He had survived, he had lived while my beautiful Lily had to die. I couldn't help but feel resentful. I hated him. He was the reason I had to endure this pain. I had been told that he had her eyes, and I couldn't deal with having to look at them every day. But I had to.

I had to do it, for her.

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