Chapter 13

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Knock, knock, knock.

I sit up slowly my heard spinning with everything that had just happened. It can't have been real, I tell myself, I obviously just fell asleep and had one hell of a dream. I look at the table and see the remains of the death potion, and that's when I know that what happened is real... I just survived Potion No. 86.

Knock, knock, knock.

I stand up slowly and waltz over to the door, happier than I have been in a long long time. I pull the door open to a disheveled McGonagall. Her cheeks are no longer the rosy red colour but in fact a dull grey tint. Her hair is a mess, something that is completely out of character and her eyes are glazed over in apparent shock. I can't get any words out so I just point towards the sofa. She is obviously shaken up as a normally incredibly observant woman has not noticed the remains of the potion on the table.
"Minerva?" She just shakes her head sweeping the loose stands of hair from her bun out of her face. "Is everything okay? Harry? Is Harry okay?" Her face is grey when she finally masters the strength to reply.
"The headmaster wants you in the hospital wing..." I turn instantly after hearing these words. I sprint from the dungeons to the hospital wing at once. The students seem in shock, some are even crying. I know that something is wrong and I want to know what. I burst through the doors, seeing Harry on the bed in front of me, apparently almost fine apart from a nasty cut on his forearm. I am even more confused.
"Severus, he is back and he's killed Cedric Diggory. I need you to do what you did last time. I need you now more than ever." I see Harry's face turn in confusion, my stomach twisting. "It is desperately important this time round Severus." This is what Lily was talking about. I nod my head slowly and prepare to follow my dark mark that I have now noticed is burning.
"I will, headmaster. I am willing to help you at any cost." He smiles slightly at this and nods subtly. I turn and head towards the door, nausea hitting me suddenly when I hear, "Oh, and Severus, I'm glad the potion didn't work." My mouth opens and closes at this remark. How did he know? I continue walking, completely dumbfounded. But, I decide to drop it, after all... I have more important things to think about now that the Second Wizarding War is nigh.

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