Chapter 8

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"Not Slytherin, hey?" My ears pricked as I saw the child sit on the old wooden stool with the ancient sorting hat placed on his crown. "You could be great you know, it's all here in your head" The sorting hat was trying to persuade the adamant child. He had his mothers bravery, I could tell. He was honest an true, he didn't want to be associated with the house that was known for treachery and evil.
"Very well then, better be, GRYFFINDOR" I felt my body relax as the students cheered for the famous boy. I was glad that I didn't have to watch over him every day, that would have been my worst nightmare. He was under the protection and guidance of Proffessor Minerva McGonagall. She would care for the child that I was adamant to hate. I refused to acknowledge the deep longing to get to know him and love him as the father I am. He was nothing but an insolent little beast. He would be like James, I knew it.


I boldly enter my class room, within which I know he is. "Good morning first years." The usual monotone response was handed back to me. After taking the register -during which I stuttered at his name, my sons name, and had to cover it up- I began my usual start of term summary of the art that is potions. I was desperate to know whether the boy was a natural at potions like myself and I also wanted to subtly apologise...
"Potter!! What would I get if I added a powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" I saw his eyes go blank, my heart dropped. I felt a twinge in my chest. I felt my eyes well up with tears. I suddenly grasped myself and fought back.. I fired questions at him. Showing no favouritism to my son. I didn't want him working it out. 'Severus, he must never know. He must never know.' Lily's voice echoed in my head. I vowed never to show any sign of affection for the boy, not to him, not to anyone. My deep longing to protect him was to be my secret.

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