Chapter 10

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I continued to protect him throughout the next three years; defending him from dangers, keeping him in detentions to make sure no one could hurt him(I Also enjoyed spending time with our boy), and protecting him from the Prisoner of Azkaban... Not
that he wanted me to help. So, in his fourth year, I decided to take a step back.. Let him learn from his own mistakes, like his father has done. Like I have done.

"Harry Potter!" My heart skips a beat.. That's impossible. He's too young. It's too dangerous. "Harry?" Dumbledores voice echoes through the Great Hall. "Harry, come up here!" This is going to cause havoc.. How? Why? Thousands of questions fill my mind. I see my son, his face terror stricken. He obviously doesn't know what's going on either. He walks past me and the rest of the staff, making his way slowly to the back room where the other champions await further details. I have failed him.. I should have kept watch over the Goblet of Fire. I should have made sure that he couldn't be harmed. I waltz, as casually as I can muster, into the room behind Dumbledore. "Harry, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" I can hear the overriding cool in his voice, Dumbledore already knows the answer. He saw the panic in his eyes when he was making his way up to the front of the Great Hall. Dumbledore won't make him take part, I know he won't. I relax a little, my head loosening, the pounding of my heart ceasing.
"It's the rules, Albus. You know that. We cannot change centuries of rules, for one boy." I silently nod, in agreeable with what I thought they were saying.. I thought they were saying that they couldn't have four champions in a TRIWIZARD competition. "I quite agree headmaster. We cannot change the rules for this, boy" I try my hardest to sound offhand, as I always do.
"Then, that's final, he shall have to compete. Once his name has been chosen by the Goblet he can't back out. Sorry Harry." No. I must have heard wrong. No. No. No. This isn't happening. No. I. Am. An. Idiot. I continue to fail him. What have I done?? I run out of the Great Hall, heading for my dungeon. My eyes filling up with tears as I begin to hate everything I have done to this boy. I wish I could have been nicer to him.. He is probably going to die in this tournament. And it will be my fault. I stumble clumsily past the students, rushing forward, without stopping. I can't focus on anything. I feel sick.
I burst through my door, crying, bawling in fact. I hate myself for what I have done to both Lily and Harry. I have done nothing but harm them. It's all my fault. How did I not notice what I was doing. I am a failure.

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