Chapter 6

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Snape looked at Albus, ashamed that he had to come for help.
"Severus, what are you doing here?" Albus spoke in his deep, comforting voice. "I thought your loyalties lay with You-Know-Who?" I could hear the confusion in his voice, he too had been fooled by my act.
"No." I feebly attempted to respond to coolness of his question. I spluttered as I tried to think of what to say next.
"You need my help, don't you?" Dumbledore, it seemed, could read my mind. My thoughts.
"Yes. Can you help me?" I glance away from his face, glaring at his Phoenix as it bursts into flames. "It's Lily. Lily Potter, and the child. They are in danger." I plead with the ild man stood before me. I feel my eyes sting as they fill with tears. "Lord Voldemort plans to kill them all, keep them safe. Hide them. I will do anything." My face reddens as I feel the embarrassment and desperation overwhelm me. I could feel my heart pounding as I dreaded Dumbledores next words, I could feel him saying no. I had ruined any chance of help by joining his army. Now Lily, my dearest Lily, was going to pay for my stupidity. I could not save her by myself. I needed Albus, but he would not help a Death Eater. I hung my head low and turned for the door, I fiddled with the seam of my robe.
"You love her. A deep love. I shall agree to help you, and do my very best to save her as long as you agree to something." I feel my head jolt suddenly with hope.
"Anything, anything at all. " I no longer care if I do not come across as a dignified man, I allow every ounce of desperation I feel to come pouring out of my mouth. "What? What do you want?"
"I want you to help me. And in extension the order. I can feel this war coming to an end, dear friend. But I need you to be, oh what do the Muggles call them, oh yes, I need you to be a 'spy'. I need you to continue to fool Lord Voldemort and tell me his plans. That is my one condition."
"Yes. Oh, yes! Do you promise to help her to the best of your abilities? oh, thank you." The joy floods through, covering every inch, allowing my muscles to relax for the first time in days. A weight had been lifted from me. I was so thankful.
"You have my word, if I have yours." I nod like crazy, as my mouth refuses to work. "You better be off, Severus. I have some plans to make." I turn for the door and half skip off in excitement and relief. She was going to be okay. She was going to live and she was going to be happy.

I was so happy, and I thought I had nothing to worry about. Little did I know...

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