Chapter 3

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"Dinner is served, Lily."
Lily hurried into the dinning room and smiled at me. Wow, her smile was perfect. I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful eyes.
"Severus?" I shook myself and brought myself back to reality. Lily had said something. "Severus, where do you want me to sit?"
"Oh, it's up to you. That one has more cheese though, you always liked extra cheese when we were younger." Lily's face lit up as she giggled. I always loved it when she looked at me like that, with admiration. It made me feel special, like I had a reason to be here.

As we were eating, I could see something was troubling Lily again. I didn't know what to say. I had never liked making it obvious that I could read her like one of my potion books, it made me feel obsessive.

She began messing with the food, pushing it around her plate. I smoothed my robes, contemplating whether or not I should ask her about it. I cleared my throat, "Lily? Whats troubling you? My cooking isn't that bad is it?" I attempted to make jokes, something I was never any good at, that was always James' forte.
"No, Severus. Your cooking is great. Its just, I have been thinking about what you said earlier." She hesitated as she spoke, acting nervously, as though she was on trial in Azkaban. I was not used to this nervous Lily. She lifted her head slightly making subtle eye contact with me. "I want to know whether you meant it." I gulped quickly, I didn't even know the answer to that question. I wanted to help her, but I didn't know if I could face having to watch James bring up a child with Lily, knowing I could have stopped their happiness. I tried to speak but all that came out was a feeble grunt and a loud sigh. I saw the hope fade from her eyes as she watched me fumble for an answer to the question. I coughed, and responded with as much confidence as I could muster, "Of course I did. I can't stand to watch my best friend have to suffer. Lily, dearest, I mean it more than anything, but what about James. Would he support you in going through with this." As I said this Lily smiled and said, "Of course he would. He loves me Severus, and would do anything for me. I know you two don't get on but if you are able to do this I am sure he will be okay with it." Lily stood up quickly and ran around the table, knocking a few ornaments over, grabbing me by the shoulders and pulling me into a tight hug. "Oh, thank you Severus. You will never know how much this means to me," she whispered softly, "How can I ever repay you?" I stood savouring the warm embrace of Lily, the smell of her freshly washed hair filled my nostrils, entrancing me. She pulled away slightly holding my shoulders, and looking me directly in my eyes. She lent forwards puckering slightly, I was confused by the way she was acting. What was she doing? Her lips touched my pale cheeks, leaving a tingly feeling there. I had never been kissed before. It was like a kind of magic that I had never before known. It was more powerful than anything. "Thank-you." She said softly, and without another word she walked upstairs, leaving me alone in the dining room.

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