Chapter 9.

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Halloween. Everyone was celebrating, much like every year here. But I wasn't. Nobody was remembering it for what it was, her death day. Every year no one even acknowledged her, but I thought this year would be different. I though that the Potter boy might, I thought that he might remember his beautiful, caring mother.
As the feast began I stared at the Gryffindore table, expecting to see a dismal child. To my horror and dismay I saw that he was celebrating having fun with that Weasley boy. He didn't even care. She was dead and he was not, she had saved him... And how was he remembering this, BY CELEBRATING HALLOWEEN!!!!!
I hated him even more now... I hated myself again, I wanted to return to her. I pulled myself glumly to my feet and left the hall... As I was leaving I heard Quirrell running into the hall, shouting something, but I didn't much care. My head was whirring with hated, sadness and a thousand other similar emotions.
I had made a friend with a large dog kept on the 3rd floor corridor, who I knew belonged to Hagrid. The dog was called Fluffy, he had a sweet disposition and was a good listener as long as came bearing large slabs of meat for him. I wanted to go and consult him as I so often did now a days.
I dragged my self up the changing staircases, looking down at the ground my eyes welling up with tears. Just as I was rounding the corner I saw a purple turban waltzing along the corridor... Quarrel. What was he doing up here? I followed him stealthily, and saw he was going into the 3rd floor corridor. It clicked. He was trying to get to whatever it was guarding!!! I pelted along the corridor, cornering him.
"Quirrell? What do you think you are doing sneaking around up here?" My mind was racing, I wanted to make sure Harry was safe. My son. I had a duty to protect our son. Like Lily had done all those years ago. I grabbed my wand and held it to his chin. "So? Just going for a midnight wander are we? To a forbidden corridor?"
"N-no Severus. I-I-I was just.."
"You don't want me as your enemy.. I am keeping a close eye on you." I guided him back to the stairs, making a mental note to keep a close watch over him.
As I headed back to my sleeping quarters I felt a weird sensation flow through me, giving me butterflies. It felt odd. I lay down, starting to forget the sadness of Lily's death, but instead, I began to feel happy. Something I hadn't felt for over 11years. I fell asleep, knowing that I would follow in her footsteps, and protect our son.

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