Chapter 2

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The air had become thick and quiet. Lily sniffed quietly and then sat up slowly, shifting her gaze slightly. I coughed and tensed, hoping that Lily would break the silence. She lifted her arm and wiped away a solitary tear that had settled on her rosy cheeks.
"Severus?" She asked, as though I was some kind of stranger. I smiled a small smile and stood up quickly.
"Never mind, ignore me. I have obviously had too much butterbeer. I had better be getting back to my marking but feel free to stay. I have the spare room if you want some time away from your house in Godrics Hollow." I struggled to get the words out, choking on every syllable. I sped out of the room with my heart pounding in my ears... I was such an idiot. What was I thinking? I had probably ruined everything now.

I slumped down into my chair and picked up the Daily Prophet off the desk in front of me. There was a photo of the Minister of Magic on the front. I couldn't focus on the words in front of me though. I flicked through to page 47 to check the Quidditch scores from last nights match. I couldn't find anything to take my mind off the fact that the love of my life was sat in the next room probably hating me. I placed my head on the table and closed my eyes. I replayed the conversation through my head a million times, each time with a new outcome. I came up with a million better things I could have said, a million different ways to have saved the conversation... I thought, and thought, and thought...

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I bolted upright and glared at the clock in front of me. 7:15. I had fallen asleep. "Severus. Are you there? I'm sorry about before. Can we talk?" I rubbed my eyes and ran my fingers through my hair. I stood up and wandered over to the door, unbolting it.
"Um, hi Lily. I, erm, think I fell asleep. Do you want some dinner?" I murmured quietly. I was still feeling rather unsettled from how the earlier conversation had ended.
"That would be great, Serverus. Thank you." She seemed okay about it, so I perked up a little. I waltzed over to the kitchen and pulled out a few ingredients.
"Is Lasagne okay?" I said, looking at the way her hair fell over her shoulders so perfectly.
"Sure. I am fine with anything." She replied, "Do you mind if I use your phone? I just want to call James and let him know that I am here."
"Uh, sure. Do you think that is a good idea though? I mean, you know how he feels about us. I just don't want you to get upset again." I felt my cheeks flush as I noticed that I had let slip the concern I had for her. "I mean, I don't want you to fall out with him or anything." Lily chuckled at my nervousness. I turned around, my robes flapping at my ankles.
"Okay. I will say I am with my Mum or something." She wandered gracefully into the hall, and then into my study.

As I cooked for us both, I couldn't help but imagine what life would be like if she stayed with me permanently. I could't help but wish silently that she would one day come to live with me so that I could cook for her every night...

But deep down I know that her heart belongs with James and that as long as she is happy, I will be content.

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