The beginning of the real war

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It has been a rough couple of days since the incident.
I was determined to face that idiot in court, I just had to make a case.

"Hey Chief can I talk to you".
I asked as I lightly knocked on Chief Boden's door.
"Yeah come in, Close the door".
He responded.
"Before you start, I already know what this is about."
He said sternly.
You do?
"Yes, it's about the paramedic who performed a tracheotomy who was not trained to do so."
He said.
"I will get the police involved but you can not under any circumstance get wrapped up in this."
He said
Yes, sir.
"He killed someone, isn't that enough though?"
How are we going to play this out, Chief?
I asked.
"First I need a list of everyone who was aware of what was going on."
"Then I'll get intelligence involved in this."
"Me, Kelly Severide, Sylvie Brett and the paramedic Sir."

"Alright, should I come back after shift"?
I asked
"Yes and I'll let Severide and Brett that we are building a case."
"Okay sounds good Sir."
"Alright, I'm gonna get back to work."
I said as I left his office.

"I bet you can't do it," Otis said
"Oh yeah watch me".Hermann said
Herman drank the soy sauce, and the rest of the crew just sat around watching for this event to unfold.
"Chug, chug, chug".everyone chanted.
The only thing I could think about was how sick he was going to be.
"How does it get any weirder?"
I said laughing.
"Surprisingly yes it does". Severide said.
"You just wait until they do a contest to whoever can take down the most chili powder".
He said
"Can't you die from that?"
"Yeah you can but nothing will stop them."
He said looking at the madness.
"Wow, I thought to myself how Interesting is this firehouse.
Before I ever even thought about anything
An alarm surrounded the entire station.
"Truck 81, rescue squad 3, Ambulance 61 Person in distress."
Everyone including me jumped into action, and we were on our way to the scene.
When we got there, someone was standing on the top of a balcony, and she was screaming.
It just took me a few minutes to realize who it was.
Not just anyone, but my mom.
What the hell was she doing?
I thought to myself.
When Chief got out of the car, I ran up to him.
"Chief, don't do anything, that woman is my mom."
"Let me go up there".
"She's a drug addict, I know how she works please let me do it."

"Casey, Severide call everyone off".
"Kidd is going to go up there, Severide carefully follows Kidd up the stairs."
He said and Severide nodded Yes Chief.

I walked up the apartment buildings stairs, and Severide followed behind with a battering ram.

"Alright, I need to do all the talking, she is a drug addict and she is always high."
I said to Severide.
"Wait do you know her?"
He asked.
"Yep, she's my mom."
I said.
"Alright stand back, Kidd."
He said as he got ready to bust down the door.
3,2,1 and he knocked down the door.
"Hey mom, hey why don't you come down from there."
I said to her calmly approaching her.
"Stella is that you, baby."?
"Yeah, it's my mom."
"What are you doing up there"?
I asked her as she looked at me.
"I'm worthless for this world, I'm doing it I am going to jump."
I have done drugs in front of my baby's.
"I am and was a terrible mother, your brother's don't love me."
"They moved away."

They do love you, momma, please get down, we'll get you in rehab.
"We can help you, you need to get down from there."
I calmly said as I approached the balcony.
"Come on mom, come down."
"Alright, I guess so."
She said as Severide and I helped her down.
She started to cry.
"I just don't know what to do anymore."
She said in tears.

"I know mom we'll get you to help okay."
"I'll get you into rehab"
I said looking into her glossy eyes.
"Okay, okay" and she walked away.

Later at Molly's
I wasn't sure how I was going to get my mom the help that she needed.

I walked into Mollys,I told Hermann to give me a heavy drink.
"You sure about that?" He asked.
"Yeah sure enough to come to a bar".
I responded back.
I think I was on my 3rd drink when Severide came into the bar.
"Hey if it isn't the handsome firefighter."
What are you doing here?
I said standing up from the stool.
I wobbled over to where he was standing.
He chuckled.
Stella are you drunk?
"Yeah, maybe I'm not too sure."
I said back smiling.
"Well come on I'll take you home."
He said grabbing my waist,to steady me.
"No I'm fine I'll get a cab".
I said.
"Well I would believe you if you weren't so stubborn."
He said
"Your coming or I'll throw you over my shoulder and forcefully get you out."
"Fine,okay I'll go."
"Bye everybody,see you later I said Stumbling along the way to the door."
Severide pushed against me so I would lean on him.
Back at Stella's apartment
Where's your key?
I handed it to him
Why are you helping me Kelly?
"Because I have been like this before, not willing to carry on, and get so very drunk."
He said back.
"Now come on let's get you to bed."
He said pulling me up so I don't fall.

"Alright we are here". He said helping me to lay down.
"Thank you, for being my guardian angel."
I said staring into his abyss eyes.
He got up to leave when I asked
"Wait will you wait until I fall asleep".
Of course.
He sat at the end of my bed.
Soon enough my eyes gave in to sleep.

Hope you all liked the second part, I hope you all enjoyed reading it.
Peace and love y'all:)
Also leave recommendations, I'm fairly new to writing stories and such so please give ideas in the comments.

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