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This is going to be a little short sorry.
Caroline had finally been checked out by the doctor to come home to us.
She was healthy and ready to start living in our house.
I went to go pick her up but I had to go through testing in the line of the hospital,before I got to go see her and take her home.
Stella asked me also to pick up dinner.
So after I got tested,the doctor handed me some things to help Caroline at home because she was healthy but still immature.
I put Caroline's baby seat in the back of the car make sure it was fastened then buckled the car seat in the seat belt.
When I got to the store,there was an even bigger line so I decided to door dash food there once we got home.

Back At home with finally 2 baby's and Stella.
"Hey I'm gonna door dash some dinner here,what would you like?"
"Anything,I do not care."
Chinese,Japanese,American do what ever you like I'm just starving and I didn't have time to go grocery shopping because I had to organize all the new baby stuff, and we're going on date night next week because my brother offered to fly in to Chicago to watch them.

"He offered or did you ask?"
I said smirking.
"Oh he offered,and we are going I think we both need a break."
"We also need to find a sitter,for when I go back to work."
"Okay I'll look into that tonight."
"Sounds good,now what are you waiting for I got a hungry stomach Kelly."
"Sorry,sorry I'm ordering right now,how about a little bit of everything."
"Ooh some sushi too."
"Okay will do."

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