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Stella's POV
S-"Hey Kelly you want any breakfast?"
K-"Yes Please" he said " and some coffee?"
S- "Coming right up". I said pouring some eggs onto the pan.
K- "thanks baby". He said as he came up behind me and kissed my cheek.
S-" yeah anytime".
"So I was wondering if we were going to the barbecue at Hermann's house today?" I said pouring the water in the coffee pot.
K- "that is totally up to you,if you are feeling up to it we will go."
S-"Yes I'm fine,it's been a few months now."
K-"alright I was just asking".
S-" I know and I appreciate it but I promise I am fine."
I said handing him some Eggs and coffee.
K- "The Barbecue starts at 6:30 so would you want to Leave here by 5:50?"
S-"sounds good I'm making tamales."
K-"Okay I'll pick up some beer from Molly's".
S- "Kay see ya then."
"See ya Babe"
Later at the barbecue
"Hey Everyone it's Stella,I didn't know if you were coming Cruz said."
"Well here I am". I retorted
"Stella it's so good to see you."
Hermann said.
"Thanks and here's some tamales I made".
I said back hugging Cindy
"Awesome you can put them over here"
I placed the tamales on the table then went over to help Severide.
S-"Hey baby are you okay,what's going on?"
K-"yeah I'm good I just dropped one"
S- "I'm sorry I would have helped you,a lot of people were hugging me."
K- "no your good,I thought I could carry all of it in."
S- "ahh you could of asked me."
K-"well if you could just grab this one."
S-Kay will do,I said and grabbed it.
Later at the barbecue
I had some beer,and some vodka.
I was starting to feel tipsy then I asked Severide to dance with me.
S-"May I have this dance."
K- "are you drunk,you need to sit down?"
He told me and helped me to a seat.
S- "No just a little tipsy."
K-"well that's enough alcohol for one night."
S-"Sounds good to me."
K-"why don't we go home?"
S-"Why we still haven't had burgers yet."
K-"I'll pick you up something on the way."
Severides POV
I literally had to push her out of the backyard.
"Bye everyone I'm taking Stella home."
"Bye" everyone said in unison.
"See y'all tomooooorow at fireehouuuse,".Stella said
I laughed at her as she tried to make me dance on the way out.
"Just one dance",pweeese
"Maybe at home okay?"
"Pweeese Severide, just one dance with m'lady".
"At home I promise."
She said and marched to the car with her arms crossed like a kid.
I couldn't help but laugh.

"Why are you laughing?"
"Your hilarious,believe me."
"You need to stop getting drunk."
"I told you I'm not drunk just tipsy."

"Okay fine tipsy,let's go". I said pushing her in the car.
She dropped her sunglasses,and when I reached down to pick them up she kissed me.
"I love you baby but please let's just get home."
She said And tried to buckle her seat.
At her 3rd attempt she succeeded.
Score she said.
"Wow you are so beautiful baby."
I said.
"Thank you,you are too Kelly Severide"
Hey Guys I'm so sorry it's been taking a while but finally finished with this part.
Peace and love❤️

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