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Im gonna start doing Severide's POV and maybe others.....read
Last week I can't remember clearly but I think I was drunk.
Poor Severide I probably was such an idiot.
9:30 am
I got out of bed,changed into some sweats,t-shirt and put my hair in a messy bun.
Today I needed to start fresh,if my mom was gonna be in it however so be it.

I went into the kitchen to make coffee,when my phone started buzzing.
It read
Nathaniel Kidd.
My older brother,he hasn't called in years.
I answered it.
"Wow,so no messages or calls and you think to call me now."
I said to the phone.
"Sorry I've been busy."
"For two years?"
"Maybe,anyways how is mom?"
He asked.
"I don't know,same as always still addicted to drugs,same old."
I said back
"Has she gotten any better"?
He asked
"No you know she actually tried to commit suicide yesterday".
I said scratching my forehead.
"Oh my gosh,and you were there"?
He asked
"Yeah,I am a firefighter,and apparently the person said she was in distress."
"You never told me you were a firefigh".
I cut him off "Well you didn't make it easy."
I said, "You know I've got some things to do today."
"Any chance I could call you later."

"I will answer".
He said back and hung up.
Oh the nerve he has to call after not even thinking to Check in all these years.
I thought to myself.

Today marks one week of my mom being in rehab.
Severide offered to Come with me today to come see her.
"Hey you ready to go?"
Kelly asked me
"Not really,but whenever is the time really?"
He nodded in agreement.
We both hopped In his car and drove off.

We sat there for 2 hours.
But she never came to see us.
I just walked out of there.
Kelly tried to talk to me,but I couldn't talk to him.
"Alright,you need to talk to me."
He turned off the radio.
Why? I already knew she wasn't going to show up.
"I need you to know you can always come talk to me".
He said
Kelly's POV
She wasn't ready to let me in,but I knew we were not dating so I should step back a little bit.
"Thanks for coming".
"Anytime Stella and I'm really sorry she didn't show,but she's lucky she still has you.
"Yeah I guess so."
She said looking out the window.
"Hey,you know your a very good person you know that".
She brought her lips in a thin line.
"Thanks,and I really do appreciate you coming,it meant a lot. It's great there's someone out there trying to help people in need."
"Well everyone has someone looking out for them."
"Well I guess your watching over me then".
She said and hinted a smile.
"Yeah I guess I am".
and I returned a smile.
"Whatever your going through always tell me".
I said.
And she nodded.
"Okay sounds good".
Thank you so much for reading hope you like it. Again I'm very new at writing so I hope nothing is boring.
Peace and love y'all.

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