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The court room was filled with everyone from firehouse 51,and it was dead silent,only the judge was questioning Stella.
"Yes your honor the accused was performing a tracheotomy on Louise Anderson."
Stella said replying to the question asked by the stern judge.
"Mrs. Severide did you or did you not threaten the accused?"
The judge asked Stella.
"I never threatened him no,but I said I will testify you in court."
"Your honor he was an untrained paramedic performing a tracheotomy,which basically only a doctor is trained to do."
"Excuse me."
The judge said but Stella kept going on.
"The accused killed Louise Anderson."
"Mrs. Severide you are not allowed to speak above terms."

"Yes your honor."
"Now this is a yes or no question."
"I want a yes or no answer."

"Did you or did you not threaten the accused?"

Then The Paramedic stood up.
"Your honor,she told me She was going to testify in court and.. she uh."
"Mrs, Severide did what?"

"She did Threaten me."

"The accused, What you said before."

"She told me she was going to testify in court."

"Your honor permission to speak?"

Stella asked the judge.

"Permission granted."

"Your honor,The accused did kill this woman."
Authors note:Stella doesn't have a Lawyer.
2 hours later
"Do you find this man Guilty?"

Many guilty's later

"The court rules the defendant Guilty."

Stella let out a heavy breath she was holding.

"The court sentences the Guilty 2 years in prison.

"Please my wife is pregnant."
He pleaded.

"The decision is final."

Suddenly Stella had urging butterflies in her stomach.
She knew she would of hated it if someone took her away from her kids.
She stopped to speak to the defendants lawyer.
"Can we possibly work out something,can you ask the Judge for work release for him."

"Wow in all my years I have never heard the Testifier ask for work release for the person that they got into jail in the first place."
"Because I'm a mom and I know he did kill someone, but I would've hated it if I was taken away from my kids."
"Wow that's really noble of you,I can't believe I'm about to do this."
"So is that a yes?"
"Your honor is there another date for the court open."
The lawyer asked.

"I will have to check on behalf of what?"
"Serious matters."
"Work release for the guilty?"
"Or some other option open so he could see his wife and baby when born."

"We can work out something."

"Thank you so much."

Stella said and shook the hand of the lawyer.
The guilty smiled at Stella,as the police took him out of the courtroom.

"Stella are you sure?"
Kelly asked as they were exiting the court room.

"Yes of course I'm sure,I would never want to be separated from my spouse,and soon to be born baby."

"I have never been more proud of you Stella Kidd."

And with that they both smiled,Kelly put his arm around her shoulders,and they headed out to a restaurant with the gang to Get a break from all this.

Authors note: sorry it has been so long since I have updated,I have been a little bit lazy considering the little amount of sleep I have been getting.
Anyways hope everyone enjoys.
As always Peace love and God bless everyone.❤️

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