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Severide's POV
Caroline has been in the PICU for a couple weeks now and Since Stella was released from the hospital,she's using every chance she gets to visit her to see how she is,and if anything has changed.
Since everyone is in quarantine because of COVID 19 this is the only chance I get to Visit Matt and Sylvie to see how they are doing,because Sylvie's sister has it. And her sister lives in Indiana. They were thinking of visiting her but everything shut down.
"Hey Matt".I Said hopping out of the car and running to shake his hand.
"What's up,How's Stella and the baby's."
Unfortunately One of the twins Caroline is in the hospital,and the other one Matthew is at home right now with Stella.
"Oh I'm so sorry,well prayers for you."
"Alright I gotta get home it was nice to see you I just had to drop by real quick to see you guys."
"Prayers for Sylvies sister too."
I said then left.
Visiting Caroline in the hospital.
"So I wanted to let you parents know that Caroline is doing well,the only problem is she is not responding to the antibiotics we are giving her."
The doctor said to Stella,and I could see the worried look on her face.
I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.
"So what does that mean? What happens now?" I asked the doctor, now looking at Caroline's charts.
Well we will keep on monitoring her in the mean time,we are going to try something."
"Moms therapy."
The doctor said and immediately Stella said "Anything for our baby."
I smiled at her,"well let's get started."
The doctor said and led us to the PICU nursery room.
Stella sat down in a rocking chair and the doctor wheeled the tiny glass compartment that held Caroline looking almost lifeless.
There was two hand sized holes for Stella to put her arms and brought to put her hand on the baby's head. And Stella put her finger lightly brushing it on our baby's arm.
The heartbeat was there but since she was so small you had to look at her so close to see it.
The baby seemed like she was moving her hand,and then the tiny little fingers wrapped around her finger.
Stella gasped and looked at the doctor,"is that good."
She asked
The doctor replied "yes it is,I wasn't expecting the therapy to work that quickly but wow,very good improvement."

Every week she looked more and more healthier,and she even started to grow a little bit. Her skin color was fading to a pale color,but the doctor said that was good.
Authors note
Hope everyone is having a blessed quarantine,hope everyone is staying safe out there. God bless.

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