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Flashback to Stella's growing up lifestyle
"I told you to do the dishes Stella,get up off the couch."
"I did though look mom,said 16 year old Stella as she got up to point to the dishes.
She said back to her mom.
Her mom was only like this after her dad died,that's why Stella moved away.
Then they were transferred to foster care.
She felt bad leaving her brothers but since she was 20 when she left her foster home,her brothers were still minors,so she couldn't do anything about it.

"Where are your brothers."
"They are doing their homework,I made sure to feed them too."
"Well good I am going somewhere tonight."
"We need to go grocery shopping."
Little Stella told her mom,while handing her a list of the food much needed there.
"Alright here's 5 dollars,hold on I have 20 more dollars in my wallet,no sorry I'm my shirt pocket."
she watched as her mom fumbled around her pockets looking for the 20 that probably wasn't even there.
She knew her mom was sober today but could tell she was drunk last night.
By the circles around her eyes and the alcohol she could smell on her breath.
"Here it is $20."
Her mom handed her a crumbled $20 with some strong scent of beer on it.
"I can't go shopping by myself momma,it's Chicago."
"Oh you'll be fine,go with your boyfriend Charlie."
She said knowing she couldn't fight her mom on this.
She felt a hand on her shoulder being her back to reality.
"Stell,you good."
"Kelly said as he looked in her eyes."
"Yeah just really tired,I'm glad though we get to have some alone time."
"Me too,it's amazing your brother can babysit."
"I know and now I have time to go to court with you."
"Oh that's tomorrow isn't it."
Kelly asked
Stella nodded.
"That paramedic doesn't know who he's messing with."
Stella said as she took a sip of wine.
"Let's just hope the judge takes our side,because that baby needs justice for her mom."
"There's no way he's getting off easy that's for sure."
Severide said back.
"That's for sure,at least hopefully that baby,well now toddler will have someone to go with."
"Yeah I heard from Chief that the toddler has an aunt flying in from New York."
"It's a shame it's been taking so long."
"Yeah that's the government though."
Kelly said back as he took a bite out of his steak.
"I mean when that happened we weren't even dating."
Stella said,Severide laughed a little.
"I know it's hard to believe,that still counts as our first date."
Kelly said.
taking a sip of his wine.
"Does it though."
"She said,we weren't even talking that much."
"Yeah but I liked you way before then."
"Well I did too."
Stella said back to her husband.

"We need to go see a movie tonight,I'll call your brother and let him know."
"Hon we're not kids anymore,we are adults,mind you adults have lots of stuff to do."
"Yeah but we're free right now."
"Good point let's go."

We ended up seeing I love Lucy reruns at a drive in movie theatre.
Kelly thought it was more romantic.

"I have to admit it's nice to have an adult conversation,I've been talking baby this whole week."
"I know and we need it too."
Kelly said in agreement.
Then folding his arm around my shoulder.
"I love you Kelly Severide."
"I love you Stella Marie Kidd."

Authors note:
Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. I know it's been a long time since I have updated,but hope this makes up for it. As always thank you for reading,it means alto that people are interested by my stories. Peace love and god bless everyone,stay safe and healthy.❤️❤️

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