I opened up the door,and I couldn't believe who was standing there.
It was April the girl I dated,we broke up in high school because she had to move to New Orleans.
Holy crap,is that you April?
"Yes it is me" she said walking in.
"By the way you look like hell."
"Are you good Kelly?".
"Yeah,well I don't really know right now."
"My Girlfriend's mom just died a few weeks ago from overdosing."
"oh that's bad,is she okay".
"That's the thing I don't know,she left to the airport this morning,I drove her,giving her just a hug."
"Well you need to call her,or fly down their yourself."
"You like her right?"
"Yes I do but I don't want to be there when she doesn't need me."
"Well Kelly that's the best thing,even when she doesn't need you,she does need you."
"What would I even say,she seemed pissed this morning."
"Make a big grand Gesture."
"She needs to know,you are there for her In her worst times,right now she is probably scared."
How do you know this? he asked with a smirk.
"Well I am a women."
"Alright all you need to do is take off a few days of work,and fly to wherever she is and make a big grand gesture."
"Thank you I needed this talk."
"Of course that's what best friends are for."

So the next morning I had called Lt. And told him I need a few days off to sort things out at home.
I got 5 days off.
When I texted her to ask her what state she was in,it was a while until she responded.
She texted back
Overland Park,Kansas.
Im sending some of your clothes there,because I know you didn't bring a lot.
66103 west chestnut ave ,9002.
I love you Kelly,I'm sorry things are taking a turn,no matter what you are my man. And I'll never stop being your Stell.
I almost cried reading that.
So I bought a plane ticket and decided to go through my closet to search for a luggage and a hat. I forgot,if I'm going to make a grand gesture,than it better be huge.
So I hopped in my car,to stop at a jewelry store.
I picked out the perfect one.
The next day was my flight,I woke up early at 5:00 am because the flight leaves at 7:00 am and packed clothing to last me 5 days and I packed some of Stella's clothing as well. I made sure to pack the silver small box and looked at it one more time,this is it I'm doing it,hopefully it goes well.
I headed off to the airport and checked one more time for the silver box. It was there zipped into a pocket containing what I'm giving to Stella tonight.
I hopped on my flight and it took 7 hours and 45 minutes. The plane finally landed and I checked for the little box again,and no matter how many times I checked it was still there.
It was a couple minutes until the plane stopped fully but I was ready than I will ever be.
I took an uber to her aunts house. I knocked on the door and A taller women who looked a lot like Stella's mom answered the mom.
"Can I help you she asked holding her dog?"
"Yes I'm looking for Stella,is she here?"
"She is,who are you?"
"I'm Kelly Severide,I am her boyfriend."
"Oh she's told me a lot about you."
"Nice to meet you. She said shaking my hand.
"I have to ask may I have your blessing to propose to Stella?"
"Oh my gosh,it's an honor to be asked that".
"Of course you can."
"You have my blessing."
"Thank you so much."
"Can you ask Stella to come to the door?"
Yeah,hey Stella some guy is at the door!!!
He asked for you.
"Okay I'm coming I heard Stella yell."
I got prepared,I pulled the ring out of my pocket,and kneeled down,and got ready for this life changing moment.
She appeared at the door,as soon as she realized who I was,and saw me kneeling.
She covered her mouth with her hands,and ran to the door,nodding her head,smiling.
"Wait I didn't even get to ask yet."
I said smiling.
"We have had our ups and downs,and rough days. But no matter what we stuck with each other through thick and thin, I love you beyond any words could ever tell.Stella Marie Kidd Will you make me the worlds happiest man in the world and marry me."
Yes a thousand times yes,she said running up to me and kissing me,I love you too.
I hope you all liked this chapter,this took me a long while,but I'm glad to finally start the next chapter. Thank you all for being so patient, and thank you all for reading this. Peace and love until till the next chapter.❤️

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